Plasma and Erythrocytes

Posted to Subscribers on 5 February 2011


Dear Subscribers,

Almost a year ago, the concept of dhatus was introduced to subscribers:

Maybe the idea did not sink in so thanks to the hurricanes this week, I'm going to try to come at this from another angle.

Let's start with some simple concepts. First of all, blood is not a liquid. Well, in a kind of a way, it is, but really, the cells are discrete "individuals" who happen to live in a fluid called plasma. This fluid is actually straw-colored, not red. It only looks red because the erythrocytes are pigmented by the hemoglobin inside their lipid membranes. If these cells are removed from the liquid, the liquid is no longer red.

Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Béchamp

Let me rewind even more. There was a famous debate in France between Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp, the outcome of which became the basis of the germ theory of disease. If Béchamp had won, 20th century medicine would have been much more holistic and relied on what is called the terrain or milieu. Instead, as we know, the 20th century was the era of war on microorganisms and the myths were sustained by inane contentions about the sterility of blood and so on and so forth. In the days when I was a regular contributor to a number of publications, the only article that was rejected for publication was one on Pasteur. Either the editor was convinced by the germ theory or he quivered at the prospect of the repercussions that would occur if someone succeeded in debunking the germ theory.

The irony is that on his deathbed, Pasteur himself stated that the terrain is all but he forbid his heirs to publish what he himself knew to be true, this for 75 years following his death. Maybe patents would have run out by then or Pasteur would be reincarnated as one of the dudes we see mouthing disinformation on television. It was 75 years after Pasteur's death when I began my gradual dissociation from systems of medicine that were derivatives of propaganda games and nearly resulted in my death.

If you think none of this is important, try to imagine where we would be today if vaccines and antibiotics had not become the chief weapons of modern medicine or what would the 50 odd people raiding raw milk do for a living if they could force the last sane survivors of earlier eras to pasteurize their milk. These arguments are very big and very serious but I am only going to give a few links for those doubting Thomases who have to stick their fingers through holes to become believers:

The first is by Majid Ali, MD, and was published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors. It's a little "oblique" but relevant. Dr. Ali was the main force behind Capital University for Integrative Medicine in Washington, D.C. It met a cruel fate, not unexpected in the era of mafia medicine.

The other source is the complete analysis of the debate by Ethel Hume. It is available online in book form with many synopses as well:

Of course, there is also my caustic essay on the germ theory:

There is a little more temperate one on another of my sites:

Whew! Okay, onwards.

The Milieu

The short version of the argument is not whether or not germs exist — since clearly they do — but rather where they are and what makes them more pathogenic in some hosts than in other hosts. Read this carefully because the same germ may be deadly in some instances and not in other and since our lives depend on such facts, we might want to take five minutes to think about this.

There are various ways of looking at the terrain, ranging from the pleomorphists of the 19th century to the pH specialists of the 20th century. I don't want to go into all the details of metabolic wastes and so on and so forth but rather, as promised, come at this from "another angle."

Let's imagine a beach, nice for this time of year. Might as well go to Hawaii or Thailand and get a good tan while we visualize this. The ocean is just gorgeous and people are not only enjoying the water but finding that sea bathing has wonderfully healing effects. Everyone who has been irradiated ought to consider a vacation on some such beach.

Now, let's get serious. The sociopathic powers that be pour Corexit into the water and not only do the normal inhabitants of the ocean die by the hundreds of thousands, probably millions, but people who go into that water can expect short lives.

This is more or less the macrocosmic view of plasma. Under ideal conditions, the red and white blood cells are happy swimmers. They find what they need to sustain themselves in the rich nutrient soup in which they are living and they are so satisfied with their life situations that they render services to their hosts. The tiny microscopic red blood cells eat some nice yellow dock and figwort and they pack it up and take it to some sick cells and they even donate some oxygen to boot. Tireless in their service, they cart off some carbon dioxide and waste, take it to the lungs, expel some wretched smelling gases, take in a deep breath of fresh air and start the journey all over again. This whole process takes about 20 seconds.

Under normal healthy conditions, red blood cells live about 120 days. There are so many of them that two and half million RBCs die every second. These provide a fabulous banquet for macrophages, but what happens when the plasma suffers from the equivalent of a BP intervention and the inner sea is too polluted to support life? The amount of die off is beyond catastrophic.

What I have seen in the microscope is that when the plasma is hostile and blistering, the blood cells, both red and white, try to escape. They will even try to get off the slide and onto the stage of the scope. The situation has to be pretty horrific for them to behave this way. Typically, live blood microscopists study the objects in the plasma, not the plasma itself. However, this is the foundation of all other activity. If the plasma cannot support the red and white blood cells, the body degenerates and it can degenerate fast . . . or more slowly. We have language for this: acute and chronic disease. Acute diseases get our immediate attention. Chronic conditions tend to be ignored. You know, they might go away or at least they haven't gotten any worse over the last year. The consequences are however cumulative and critical mass is lurking around the bend unless the situation is corrected.

This post is still part of my "madness" because when someone asks about an herb or dashes off an email that asking what to do for a sick father, the questions cannot be answered out of the context of the plasma and all the exposures, activities, medicines, and food that impact the plasma. For instance, does the person smoke? does he have amalgam dental restorations? does he take prescriptions drugs? does he eat microwaved GMO food? You can now dot the rest of the "i's" and I will worry a bit more about the "t's". Morrnah used to give me exercises about crossing my "t's" because she said my handwriting was not effective enough to create the future, get more serious about those "t's".

RBC Anatomy

A normal human red blood cell is 7-8 microns in diameter. This is actually larger than the opening in capillaries so when the RBC is squeezed through, it releases oxygen. When RBCs are oxygen deficient, they are dark. The RBCs themselves are round but not spherical. They are concave and this allows for flexibility so that a hungry RBC can fill up and be more plump than a starving RBC. Well nourished RBCs contain not quite double the contents of malnourished ones. The outer surface of the cell has a lipid membrane. This gives the cell viscosity and elasticity and protects the cell from certain types of attacks. In live blood, one can watch attempts to parasitize RBCs. Those with smooth lipid surfaces tend to rebuff assault whereas those with damaged surfaces are more easily invaded. The surfaces are damaged by electromagnetic frequencies that cause tiny perforations in the cell and leakage of hemoglobin into the plasma. These cells are drying out and will die unless relieved of the exposure to damaging hi tech noise. When threatened, the cells organize like penguins in the Antarctic to protect some members while those on the perimeter take a real beating from which they may or may not recover.

Because there are often all sorts of parasites and bacteria in the plasma, erythrocytes are at risk of invasion. Some of these creatures penetrate the membrane and suck out the nutrients meaning they got the regenerative nutrients intended for the host, i.e. you and me; others go inside the RBCs and set up housekeeping. These are time bombs moving through the circulatory system and since the blood travels just about everywhere, the time bombs can also be almost anywhere.


Over the years, I have mentioned that ghee produces better lipid surfaces on RBCs and it does this quickly. On the other hand, rancid oils cause the surfaces to look fuzzy and these membranes are relatively easily breeched. The most toxic substance I have ever seen in the plasma is something sprayed from mold, a hemolysin with deadly impact. Though practically no one wants to believe me, it appears that mushrooms, even the so-called medicinal ones, also cause a massive change in the plasma, one that may have the potential for killing all sorts of bacteria but my experience is that anything that kills bacteria also kills white blood cells. With these particular fungi, the red blood cells are also in state of pandemonium. Yeast is a little different, not, of course, benign, but it tends to work much more slowly and to infect red blood cells. By this, I mean it seems to be inside red blood cells and only gets into the plasma when the red blood cells burst. My guess is that the plasma is so delicate that very minor changes can cause catastrophes. The evidence of a yeast infection can take 3-4 days to manifest on some slides and less than an hour with more heavily infected patients.

This post is therefore my formal urging that people consider the whole, not bits and pieces. There are strategies that might work fine in the absence of some interference but unless that interference is identified and eliminated, the strategy may not work.

Rasa Dhatu

Since plasma is a fluid, there is the possibility of insufficiency or excess. Insufficiency causes dryness and excess causes edema. Obviously there are many symptoms related to both. The main concern at this juncture is the toxicity of the fluid as well as its proper nourishment.

In my work, I have found that juice fasting can correct the plasma in a very short time. Keep in mind that some of my early work was focused on cancer and to avoid rediscovering the wheel, I read extensively and also asked every patient what seemed to work best. I learned a lot by being receptive to whatever people felt to communicate. I also learned that some habits are hard to change. For instance, I vividly remember a woman with the discipline to fast but she continued to smoke during the fast and she had splitting headaches for days. People also tell me that they are not taking any medicines, but this sometimes translates, "except for birth control pills" or "except for thyroid medication" or "except for insulin" or "except for vitamin C". These substances may be so much a part of the daily routine that they are overlooked, but they count because anything and everything that is ingested impacts the chemistry of the plasma.

As mentioned, some people evaluate health based on pH. This may be a starting point but water has a neutral pH (should have a neutral pH) but it is not nourishing. Some scholars have translated "rasa dhatu" as "nutrient plasma" and I have sometimes called it a nutrient soup. Actually, rasa dhatu includes all fluids, not just plasma but also lymph and menstrual fluids and ejaculates. We have to understand it as the foundation upon which all else depends. If food is nutrient deficient, we can be more or less certain that the plasma will not be as nutritious as required by the blood cells.

Step One is to eliminate hazards to the plasma. As noted, fungi and toxic metals are very serious threats as are virtually all pharmaceutical medicines as well as all supplements that contain dangerous preservatives. Obviously, some supplements do not have any preservatives but most of the larger companies are using manufacturing methods that would not qualify them as purveyors of natural substances. Whatever is not organic cannot be utilized as a nutrient. Inorganic materials may act as catalysts or inhibitors but not as sustenance. Anything that causes serious imbalance of the pH is also dangerous. Anything that is not recognizable by enzymes is also useless. Likewise, foods and herbs that have lost their prana are devitalized.

It's impossible to say how many times someone has said, "Why didn't my doctor tell me all this?"

Why not?

Now you know so you don't have to ask anyone else.

Many blessings,


Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2011

See Essay #1


Ayurvedic Herbs





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Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2010

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