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Though this post is titled "Die Off", it is really broader and includes references to underlying causes that have to resolved in order to be healthy. There are many definitions of die off and they are sometimes associated with Herxheimer reactions in people's minds but this only makes partial sense to me. One can have die off on an ongoing basis simply because of toxicity: preservatives in food and medicine or fluoridated water. Anyone with amalgams could be experiencing continual die off, mainly of white blood cells that are trying to protect the body from threats that are usually fatal to white blood cells. In the past, I have discussed how cautious white blood cells are in the face of most pathogens. For some odd reason, they sacrifice themselves when there is heavy metal poisoning. After 20 or more white blood cells die, reinforcements will come and suffer the same fate. All the dead cells create stringy blockages that prevent red blood cells from moving properly. Besides the resources are allocated to a hopeless problem when there are other crises where the chance of success might be higher. However, the priority seems invariably to go to the metals rather than parasites or mold or microorganisms that might pose a danger to the host.
Some weeks ago, I mentioned that new products were added to address some of this problem. Years ago, I read that betanin, the component in beets that accounts for the red color, is an excellent hydroxyl free radical scavenger. Recently, Dr. Indunil had a chance to video this action. The white blood cells were able to conquer what was usually fatal to them. Presumably, there are countless other members of the plant world with similar properties, including all the rasayana herbs and everything with bright colors. There are many foods that are rich in anthocyanins: dark berries such as blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and currants; vegetables such as eggplant and red cabbage; carbohydrates such as dark colors of rice, potatoes, and purple corn. If you watched the video of Dr. Vandana Shiva that I recommended recently, you might have heard her mention countless ancient seeds, thousands of them, and heard her recommendation that we eat the foods that are dark in color. What she didn't mention is how valuable many of these foods are for DNA repair and hormone balance, including such worrisome complications of estrogen sensitivity. Occasionally, I have posted about individual herbs that can be considered, such as goji berries and my tonic made with both goji and hawthorn berries, bilberries, and even chaste berries. Most of these medicinal foods are also anti-inflammatory and many also aid vision. For instance, we could make hibiscus tea or fill capsules with hibiscus powder to get some of the same benefits we might expect from beets.
Let me help some of you to connect a couple more dots. WheLet me help some of you to connect a couple more dots. When trying to put together a program for cancer treatment in India, we also tried to source locally to the extent possible. It's not always possible to find equivalents in a hurry, but eventually, we will discover that all that is needed is probably close to us.
Jamun berries are available in India and eggplant is abundant. They were also able to find tomatillos which are related to the cape gooseberry (Inca berry) and these come in a purple color as well as other colors.n trying to put together a program for cancer treatment in India, we also tried to source locally to the extent possible. It's not always possible to find equivalents in a hurry, but eventually, we will discover that all that is needed is probably close to us. Jamun berries are available in India and eggplant is abundant. They were also able to find tomatillos which are related to the cape gooseberry (Inca berry) and these come in a purple color as well as other colors. |
Now, I would like to go a step deeper and explain a bit more about different kinds of die off. When discussing blood parasites, I noted that when a parasite dies, it is normal for bacteria to eat the fleshy part of the dead parasite. This process takes a few days which is why days three to five or six have some symptoms similar to a mild flu. To call this a Herxheimer reaction seems a little extreme to me. Around the sixth or seventh day, white blood cells would consume the bacteria and all would be fine. Let's therefore say that under ideal conditions, we would anticipate a few days of achiness with perhaps a slightly elevated temperature, but it will resolve.
However, if someone does not have viable white blood cells because of toxins or antibiotics, bacteria will not be available to eat the dead parasites. These parasites then decompose through fermentation which contributes to yeast infections such as Candida albicans. I cannot quite prove this, but it seems obvious. In darkfield, I can see the bubbles on the membranes of the parasites and the little corpses become mushy instead of stringy. The bacterial process is very neat and clean compared to the fermentation process. Both however occur in the plasma so there is some interference with blood movement.

People have various strategies for managing this congestion. They can go on a juice fast so that the plasma is not compromised by hard to digest food. Some people take probiotics to encourage the proliferation of friendly bacteria. This does not always work as anticipated. In the microscope, I might see the various types of bacteria in competition with each other so we have to know what is actually needed before ingesting live organisms. In India, we tried lassi and it had a very nice effect. It is a drink made with yoghurt. Many people take enzymes, including pancreatic enzymes, not particularly suitable for vegetarians, and all the Indian patients happened to be vegetarians because they all belonged to the same religious group. I looked for an equivalent that can be used by vegetarians and found two brands of nattokinase that are vegan. Keep in mind that to-date there are no vegetarian gelcaps so all supplements in gelcaps, including oils and even Kolorex, are not acceptable to serious vegetarians. The purpose of these measures is to reduce fibrin in the plasma.
One sees fibrin in nearly all cases of degenerative diseases, everything from multiple sclerosis to cancer. In my opinion, it would be better to eliminate the cause of the fibrin than to rely on things like nattokinase but short-term, we do what we must to prevent crises. Fibrin is very tricky. For instance, if the red blood cells are close together and not moving, it is possible that they are caught on a net that is not visible because it is underneath the erythrocytes. This is truly an accident waiting to happen so we need to address it.

There is also die off with tumors. When cancer is addressed internally or the herbs used externally are absorbed, cells that are incapable of repair will die. Besides the strategies mentioned above, the organs of elimination need to be efficient. Some die off is filtered via lymph nodes so my lymph teas help with the congestion that might cause swelling and tenderness. Some people need major glandular stimulates such as phytolacca (poke root) in either ointment or extract form. In the latter case, the poke is combined with other herbs because it is so potent. Besides Algonquin Drops, all three of the historic elixirs contain phytolacca. It was one of the few herbs that was found in practically all the important historic formulas.
The main eliminatory organ for die off is the colon, but there will be some removal via the kidneys and urine. If these organs become congested, the skin will act as an eliminatory organ. If this happens, there may be itchiness, redness, inflammation, boils, ulcerations, and exudates. Over the years, I have often seen this with cancer patients. While some people are excited that they are getting rid of morbid material, the fact is that we still need to be sure that the main eliminatory organs are working as they should because breaking out in 20-60 places can be very uncomfortable, not to mention undesirable.
Emails come in all day long with questions that show that people do not always know what is really happening when they have symptoms of various types. These explanations might clarify a bit for some.
Many blessings,
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2013
