Dear Subscribers,
This will be very brief, very, very brief.
Last night's post from Dr. Mercola is one of his strongest yet:
We ignore the information at our own peril.
Then, on another subject entirely, if I could, I would nominate the following film for an Oscar for best documentary because the producer/patient has filmed her cancer odyssey brilliantly. As someone who has been in the trenches for decades, I truly feel that she has succeeded where so many others have failed. Moreover, she has introduced abundant humor between the anger and tears. She does not take a position as a pundit nor think for anyone else. She simply shares her story. The film is way above the standard of most home movies and almost up there with the professionals. Despite some lingering questions, she has potentially spared many others the rediscovery of several wheels.
Over the years, I have occasionally recommended films dealing with the subject of cancer diagnoses and coping. This film is definitely one of the best and most helpful. I will do my usual by refraining from editorializing until others have had time to watch and review it.
Finally, a dear, dear sister of the way wrote a lovely email yesterday. I asked Chyenne's permission to quote parts of it. Chy draws our attention to gratitude, referencing the thought provoking work of Dr. Emoto and others. As we look at all the challenges to our environment, security, and health, we need to make at least some effort to balance our frustrations with the consecration of our blessings. Chy wrote, "Every living thing loves being blessed and knowing that its dharma has not been wasted and has fulfilled its purpose." She added, "Blessing and gratitude are love, and love changes everything."
I could not agree more nor say it better.
Many blessings from me to you,
Other Essays on the Cancer Diet
Royal Rife || Cancer Virus
