The quality of the video is quite poor in the beginning but when he gets to the endoscopy, the pictures are clear enough to understand what he is trying to convey.
I am not sure that I agree 100% with Dr. Simoncini. For many years, I have been saying that some tumors would appear to be parasitic, some fungal, and some infectious (viral). It's not been an easy path to tread, hugely unpopular to say the least, but I feel that Dr. Simoncini and I are in agreement on one important point and that is that the irritation is what causes the increased metabolic activity. This is why we must first discover what causes the irritation and swelling.
Some weeks ago, I mentioned that there is a class action lawsuit in Italy against oncologists. After you watch this video, you will understand why. For the record, Italy has the highest ratio of doctors to people of any country in the world. Occasionally, some really interesting research arises there. Dr. Simoncini is clearly one of those people to watch.
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