First of all, I would like to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Being with those you love can be nurturing. It also reminds us of who and what is important. . . à propos which, I have a link to share.
I think I sent the link to the trailer some time back, but now you have a very, very important film that hopefully you will share with everyone you know, even those who are resistant to the information.
There is a Japanese expression, a little hard to translate. It is used when referring to a sort of impression that a person gives, the feeling that exudes from him. In this case, Foster Gamble is a comfortable host of a mixture of wonderful perceptions and possibilities as well as some hard facts that we ignore at our peril.
I will steal a little of his thunder because the film is over two hours long and most people might need to be prodded a bit to watch it.
It opens with a discussion of energy, as in universal energy and planetary energy and individual energy and the energy in the atom. Of course, to corroborate his thesis, he has to interview our video friend Nassim Haramein. There are also clips with Buckminster Fuller and snippets from Tesla on up to the present. The idea is that energy is ubiquitous, can be harnessed, and that when we accept free energy, everyone will be able to have water, to grow food, and to thrive. It will however render obsolete the huge industries that currently plunder for resources and destablize lives because of their obsession with power and the conviction that to retain power, control is necessary.
Gamble also interviews Stephen Greer and a number of other UFOlogists who explain that the suppression of information about alien visitation is directly connected to technology and free energy. If existence of such visitors can be denied, then the technology that allows for long distance travel without refueling can be delayed and the reign of the elite can continue. However, this is predicated on the myth that there is not enough for everyone.
There is a follow the money odyssey, nothing new here except the calm manner of our host. He interviews many of my heroes and heroines, including one of my long-term favorites Vandana Shiva who is becoming increasingly skilled in hitting nails on the head and inspiring action. In this instance, she explains the enslavement and insanity of an agricultural system in which saving seeds becomes a crime, an infringement of intellectual property.
Gamble makes a noble contribution here in that his film is apparently free and he is not even suggesting that donations would be welcome. Well he is an heir to Proctor and Gamble so perhaps this would not be tasteful and the man really does have wonderful style. However, I did not even see a copyright notice so this is apparently a gift.
As Gamble follows the money, he also exposes the long history of persecution of anything and everything that could compete with the flow of money to the top of the pyramid. This, of course, is a shameful chapter of Earth history, but he tells the story without the vociferous markups that people such as myself sometimes use.
I don't think I have to say too much more to get you to watch this film. It will not be comfortable in places but he manages to avoid getting stuck so we end with a plan for happiness in which everyone thrives, to be carried out in three very simple phases. He uses all the buzz words that are important, such as integrity, fairness, individual rights and we see images of Gandhi and King. He did not mention Ron Paul but he discussed the theories of Ludwig von Mises who has inspired much of Dr. Paul's economic thinking. I found his excerpts succinct and interesting because when we consider the era in which von Mises was evolving his concepts of a just economy, we realize that he was bucking the Nazi reign of terror.
Both Gamble and his wife help viewers to deal with their fear of what others would think when talking about issues that could be controversial. His views are based on learning to function from the core self rather than in response to opinion and he challenges the sanity of conformity, but softly because he really does have nice style. The film and the web site they have built to support the objectives of the film do warrant several hours of your time.
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