Balance of Bias

Posted to Subscribers on 11 November 2016


Dear Subscribers,

Before tackling the topic of balance, I would like to take a moment to remember the life of an amazing musician who passed away a few days ago. Zoltán Kocsis was a virtuoso pianist and conductor whose style was different and often dazzling. It seems fitting to mention that great work has lasting value so while no longer performing, the legacy lives beyond our short journeys. He left a lasting influence on Hungarian music and will be remembered for a long time to come.

The topic today is balance, but it is also a special day, the 39th anniversary of my formal vows to serve all sentient beings on this Planet. It feels like a very sensitive occasion. So much is in flux now, not just in my life but everywhere I look, I see possibilities with potentially profound ramifications. There is confusion, conflict, and yet grounds for hope. It has been a rule in my life that I do not make any important decisions without experiencing clarity, conviction, and enough certainty to justify the expenditure of time and energy. What this means is that in a world that is full of turmoil and vested interests, I try only to become involved in situations that are important and where the potential for success is significant. Rarely do I pick easy tasks, but I try to pick worthy ones.

It is in this context that I want to discuss balance from many different angles. Balance can refer to a state of mind or emotional equilibrium or perhaps merely to chemistry, such as midway between acid and alkaline. It cannot however be achieved much less sustained unless based on truth since the underpinnings of balance would be fragile if twisted by strong biases or faulty information. I am totally convinced that a great deal that we have been taught is not only incomplete but replete with inaccuracies. I am continually dumbfounded by such immense "problems" as how Einstein himself could not be certain whether the Earth is the center of the solar system or orbiting the Sun. Moreover, those two possibilities are merely two of several others. There is now a flat earth movement that has gone viral, proving, I believe two points: (1) many are inclined to literal interpretations of what they read or have been taught, and (2) there is a crescendoing movement to reject all information that originates from mainstream sources. However, when one listens to the arguments on all sides of this or practically any other debate, it is obvious that facts do not translate evenly to minds that have been cultivated in different ways, and people can be adamant even when not particularly credible. Moreover, the controversies cannot be silenced by references found in textbooks or on the Internet. They can only be resolved by fresh insights and understanding.

For someone of my vintage, this unrest feels novel because it was quite rare in the 20th century — which I believe will ultimately be regarded as a period of massive deception.


We have found skeletal remains of anatomically modern humans that might be millions of years old, but our books only go back a few thousand years. Moreover, the research of Anatoly Fomenko suggests that we have crammed an extra thousand years into our history books simply because of one minor error, hardly more significant than putting a decimal point in the wrong place. If we are only talking about whether or not to eat spinach because of the oxalic acid, it is one thing, but imagine the collusion it takes to conjure up events to fill a thousand years that never took place.

In this meltdown cycle, I have come to the conclusion that there is probably no discipline that has not been corrupted at least to some extent by faulty scholarship. If a few facts here and there are incorrect, that is grounds for concern, but when gigantic movements are built around false premises, that is another matter. For most of us, the centuries old debate about the solar system does not really have any impact on our daily lives. However, the difficulty we have in trusting those who are promoting one version as truth should set off alarms. If the issue is climate change, we are somewhat more affected, meaning the adjustments we are asked to make because of global warming — or the fear of another ice age — are significant; and to the extent that the debates are sincere, we have a right to demand that the proponents use clean data. When it comes to whether or not anyone has ever set foot on the Moon, we have a potentially enormous problem because if no one ever went to the Moon, a simply tremendous number of people in high positions have been lying for my entire adult life. Not only does the possibility that this is the case undermine confidence in leadership, it seeds the motion that ultimately has to correct the errors. By this, I mean, if there is deliberate intent to mislead, that is a source of error that is ultimately the progenitor of equal and opposite movement that brings balance. The question is always whether equal and opposite will be so forceful that the zeal is excessive. This factor distinguishes between a revolution and a simple course correction.

As noted, I do not think my daily life is impacted to any major extent by the examples I have given. This however may not be straight fact, meaning that my father's imbalance was a source of great trauma for me in childhood, and he was a mathematician and physicist who was deeply involved in some of the issues I used as examples. The point is we cannot always be sure what causes the ripples in the water.

Because I do not want to belabor these points, I will wrap up the section on doubts by underscoring that while history and geology and astronomy may not impact us directly, conclusions about health and medicine do touch us. There are procedures that are routinely recommended that are not safe much less capable of delivering the results suggested. There are exorbitant costs, compulsory compliance with regulations that are often based on exactly the types of flawed research and theory that are the underlying cause of imbalance — and there is all the suffering that results from thoughts and practices that are fundamentally incorrect. The point is that no one can actually afford to take the risk of relying on information that is fallacious.


This is where I have taken a stand. I am not targeting anyone in particular nor any specific tenet. I simply want to pursue the truth by making correct observations and studying the outcomes of specific approaches to health and healing. By starting with a modern version of what we should probably call traditional medicine, there is no assumption that every historic teaching was part of a larger body of infallible tenets. The ancient texts and their modern exponents are a starting point, not the conclusion. Because the knowledge was released to world in a more or less complete form by highly trained scholars who were not under pressure to restrict their observations to material reality, there is less probability that the material was corrupted by the profit motive, but all knowledge is subject to the limitations of our own perceptions and understanding. This said, whenever we release knowledge without demand for personal gain, we are free of at least some biases, including the myth that scientific methodology is capable of addressing the countless variables that affect reality as understood by the inhabitants of this Planet.

It takes a very special team to bridge ancient concepts and align the important parts with life in this century. I have been able to do this in the world of medical astrology. It took many years, but the material is now as relevant as it was thousands of years ago. Remnants of ancient thoughts that survived sometimes as parts of sentences have been explained and expounded into larger works.

Now, Dr. Indunil and I are taking another step, this time as a joint venture. We expect comparable progress not only in the field of traditional herbal medicine but also alchemy, a much more complex and fascinating discipline, and, for the record, one that cannot be learned without first committing to purity because movement of the parts that unite or separate so as to create different manifestations of reality involves the ability to observe the polarities of magnetism and radiation without a single quiver anywhere in the psyche.


Now we come to a new appreciation for balance. It often necessitates rearrangements of the building blocks upon which reality is built. We have edifices made of thought, and whether we believe it or not, thought can be the matrix in which other realities take shape. For instance, as we watch how the president-elect assembles his cabinet and makes the hundreds or perhaps even thousands of appointments that come with such high office, we are at liberty to ask what assumptions about reality accompany the appointments. For instance, will the EPA take an intellectually and environmentally enlightened position on climate change, fracking, renewable energy, and toxic waste or will only those representing vested interests be appointed. This is one method of measuring the extent of the commitment to truth and to a sustainable future. Otherwise, foxes are expected to guard the hen house, and we know this will never work.

This post was drafted over a period of three days with many interruptions so I will split the post into segments. The next one goes into more depth about balance and then there is one on music that illustrates a few points that help us to understand the roles of the emotions, mind, and soul when interpreting notes, just notes, well, not just notes, but compositions. The point is that ideas are structures and we wobble within those structures with our own interpretations, and I have put together a number of fascinating examples of how this works in the world of classical music, but the same propensities for interpretation exist in every discipline as well as every life situation.


Many blessings,


See Part II




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