A few days ago, a medical doctor phoned me and she expressed a number
of interesting thoughts about the future of the human race. She said
that infertility has now reached the 41% mark. She was speaking so
fast that I was unable to ask her whether this is an American
statistic or if similar crises are facing people in other countries.
It was clear that her main concern was the estrogenic effect on male
sexuality and fertility but it might be possible to take a wider look
and see the whole picture. Her speculation was that if matters
remained unchecked, only populations in remote areas that are almost
untouched by modern civilization will survive. Frankly, I do not know
whether "untouched" belongs in our vocabulary because the estrogenic
compounds found in plastics and other blessings of chemistry go into
our drinking water, into the rivers, and into the oceans. We all heard
stories a decade ago about male fish lacking secondary sexual
development, and the baby bottle scare went out to young mothers not to
give their children, especially their sons, anything out of plastic bottles.
Infertility and Stubborn Sterility
Years and years ago, the crisis was already such that approximately
20% of young couples were unable to conceive children. At the time, I
thought to myself that since either the husband or the wife could be
infertile, the odds were that only 10-12% of the population was facing
stubborn sterility. If the figure has increased to the 41% cited by
this rather high profile researcher, then she is right, our
civilization has a dilemma and the problem must be solved if we are to
I think we could take the same figures my colleague was using and
make another equally valid argument: the laws of karma are forcing a
readjustment in the direction of the feminine and this, not
surprisingly, is having an androgynizing effect on testosterone. If
this were the main consequence, I think we could live with it, but
unfortunately, it is not that simple.
Ayurveda is quite clear that sexual differentiation occurs as a
result of the water element, the primary element affecting the second
chakra and its impact on the reproductive system. When the water
element is functioning properly, the XY chromosome matter as well as
countless other associated factors all work normally. We might say
there would be no children born whose gender is unclear, no boys whose
testicles fail to descend, and no girls who are born without the
capacity to procreate. When the water element goes amok, we can no
longer take for granted that fetal development will be normal much
less that the onset of puberty will result in the expected appearance
of more mature signs of secondary sexual differentiation.
This is a complex subject and usually I avoid it because it's so
charged, but if we ignore the issue, the larger problem will not be
solved and this is truly not desirable so let's see who hangs in here.
The Nature of Water
The nature of water is magnetic. It attracts, you might say through
pheromones and other subtle but unconscious mechanisms. However, it
attracts for the purpose of merging and as such is tainted by
partnerships in which balance and harmony are lacking. You might
therefore say that one of the first insults to water is the misuse of
power because water seeks a cooperative alliance, not a subservient
role in a tyrannical bond. The dysfunction of our societal structures
with the emphasis on authority instead of loving support is truly
dumbfounding to water.
Worse, the emotional and physical toxicity of the world is absorbed
because water really has no choice. It is contained in a space from
which is usually cannot readily escape so what is introduced into that
space is very critical to the well-being of water.
So, now let us look at how it feels to the rivers and artesian
springs and oceans to be forced to absorb toxins from industry and
wars and medicines with horrific side effects? I think you see the
picture. It is like the story I was telling about the red blood cells
trying to escape the plasma, but how does the plasma itself feel.
When I was in Germany, a doctor picked me up in Nuremberg and drove
me to Switzerland. It was a long, interesting drive with lots of talk.
She was expressing some of the same concerns: our pharmaceutical
medications eventually go into the septic system and from thence to
the ground water. It's very hard to convince oneself that the power of
Nature is so great that these substances will be broken down and
converted back to benign and natural substances, especially since some
of the water we are consuming today is not 25,000 year old deep
artesian water but three-year old, barely recycled waste water.
It is not a pretty picture when you understand it as deeply as some
do. The toxins raise the heat and this causes more evaporation and
loss of water levels. You see this in areas where there is a run off
from heavy use of fertilizers and pesticides but you see it now in the
Water-Air Relationship
Water is in a very delicate relationship with fire, its energetic
opposite, and with air, its nemesis. Just as fire is the only
element that is hot, water is the only element that is wet. The
moisture provides both the sea in which life itself is nurtured
and the buffering required to protect from friction, as in the joints
and and surfaces of cells. This barrier protects against microbial
infection and damage from abrasive movements. When the barrier is
thin, pain and suffering ensue.
It's easy to understand this concept in the context of nerves. If the
nerves are shielded by properly constituted myelin sheaths and if
there is enough distance between nerves, there is relative freedom
from pain and irritation. Now, think of the uterus. It is a bed for a
fetus where the fetus can grow and, of course, move about. For the
maximum comfort of the unborn child, the womb should be soft and
pliable, not rigid or stormy.
The primary cause of female infertility is excess air: disturbances
that cause the uterus to wobble and tilt. This often leads to failure
of the fertilized egg to anchor properly and take up residence but
this fact is seldom noticed by young women. They may be "fertile" but
unable to stabilize their wombs enough to carry pregnancies full-term.
The antidote is demulcent herbs and foods, ones that are deeply
nourishing to the tissues and that promote elasticity and flexibility.
The primary herb in Ayurveda for the female reproductive system is shatavari, a member of the asparagus family. I believe that conception
is best prepared for by 2-4 months of detoxification followed by 2-3
months of tonification. This means that the chemical and other toxins
should be eliminated in preparation for motherhood. It's really
logical. What responsible young woman wants a child whose development
has been thwarted by alcohol and drugs? Just as these are best avoided
by mothers to be, it makes sense to get rid of as many other toxins as
This time of year is a good time to detoxify because the body accumulated
heat during the summer, heat that it will use during the colder months
ahead, but excess heat can reduce fertility and/or result in toxicity.
For men, the main cause of infertility is excess fire and you don't
know how much I wish men would detoxify instead of taking all sorts of
medications to lower their blood pressure and stimulate their libido
and so on and so forth. If you step out of the insanity of modern
civilization and ask yourself if there is any other species that needs
a pill to eliminate heartburn, a pill to sleep, a pill to poop, and a
pill to get it up, you'd have to conclude the human species is indeed
in trouble.
Okay, so the monkeys and baboons do not have stressful jobs selling
cell phones to gullible customers, but they also do not microwave
their food, do not eat stuff that is laced with chemicals, and they
are mercifully spared the propagandizing of our entertainment
industry. I am not suggesting that they do not have major issues, such
as loss of habitat and hunting and global warming, but despite all
this, they are not apparently as infertile as humankind.
What is important is not only the future of mankind but the quality
of our old age because one of the many wonders of our intricate bodies
is that the energy we devote to growth while young and to parenting in
our middle years is the energy we use to regenerate and rejuvenate as
we move into our senior years. There is no real reason that these
years should be fraught with pain and senility; these are side effects
of air-water imbalance, but as we age, there is a tendency to become
more airy so we have to compensate by deliberately seeking more
nutritive foods to forestall the memory loss and other demeaning
developments afflicting so many in our society at this time.
This is rather long but I can continue later with more detail. For
the moment, let me suggest that everyone consider a major commitment
to detoxification every five to ten years, let's say two to six months
of careful detoxification with the intent of averting untoward side
effects from 21st century life styles. In addition, people can do a
3-4 week annual detox around this time of year. There are excellent herbal formulas for this: the Planetary Red Clover Combination, the
Vadik Detox or Liver Tonic, the Banyan Blood Cleanse or Liver Support,
or the Nature's Formulary products I mentioned in an earlier email:
Phyllanthus and Picorrhiza. All of these are available in our online
From this point, I would say that the emphasis should go on the
priority and this is usually tonification of the weakest system of the
body. Thin people have low water; heavy people need to remove excess
stagnant water. It's all very, very logical.
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2007
Xenoestrogens: Pills, Pesticides, Petroleum, and Plastics
Air-Water Axis || Detoxification and Tonification
