Parasite Cleansing

Posted to Subscribers on 8 June 2017

Dear Subscribers,

Hello, it’s almost the full moon and time to take your parasite herbs!

Hardly a day goes by when people do not contact me about parasite infections.  Today, I want to discuss some details about parasites that people may or may not fully understand. Typically, when people refer to parasites, they are thinking of intestinal parasites.  For the most part, these are visible – as opposed to microscopic – but they come in many descriptions and range in size from quite tiny to very, very long, sometimes many feet in length.  Obviously, this is quite horrifying.

Parasites forage so they go where there is food, meaning they are not always in the same place.  I have read of parasites that move very slowly, taking hours to get from one part of the body to another, as well as ones that can move quite quickly.  There are some that stay more or less within channels and others that burrow through leaving holes.  Yes, it is all quite horrifying but if we ignore the problem, we run some risks.

Modes of Infection

Let’s rewind and ask how the parasites enter the body.  Well, there are multiple routes of entry, but the most usual is ingestion.  It is hard to find such a clean place that all opportunities for infection are eliminated.  For example, let’s take a restaurant.  There might be a cutting board, a knife, a food preparer, even one wearing gloves, but who and what are protected by the gloves.  Fish are often riddled with parasites because unless they are immediately cleaned after capture, the parasites move into the flesh.  The knife cuts the flesh and perhaps afterwards is used to cut lettuce, or the same cutting board is used for chopping vegetables, or the same hands, even gloved hands, are used to prepare food that is eaten raw.  Believe me, the risks are endless.

Many people have pets or farms.  They can become infected by a pet, handling the pet or perhaps walking barefoot on grass or dirt.  It is actually so easy to become infected that there are reports of using something like a pen in a bank or bulk foods area of the supermarket and becoming infected in that manner.

In short, it is not necessary to travel to the jungle to pick up an infection.  This said, with travel, unsanitary refugee camps, climate changes, and so on and so forth, the risks of parasite infection are significantly higher than what might formerly have been the case in temperate zones.  A student who used to be a flight attendant told me about water pitchers on planes that had big worms.  They used to fish them out before pouring water for passengers. 

Reading a medical book can make just about anyone a bit paranoid, but the point is that exposures to infection occur frequently enough to assure almost anyone that the risks are genuine.

Unfortunately, talk about parasites does not make polite conversation so let’s try to keep things a little less shocking, but that is not actually easy.  In the past, I have noted that even microscopic parasites come in endless varieties and have most or all of the characteristics associated with snakes, meaning some are very toxic or poisonous and some are less dangerous.


In a typical medical textbook, future doctors are taught that parasites are often commensal, meaning they eat at the same banquet table as the host.  They are more or less harmless and should be ignored unless truly dangerous.  There are two explanations for this ignorance.  One is that the risks of parasite infection are compared to the risks of treatment and the drugs used are typically quite toxic, such as arsenic and other metals.  Secondly, except in some institutions specializing in tropical medicine, parasites simply are not well understood.

However, if one does study parasitology and/or tropical medicine, then we know that breaking the skin of certain parasites can be fatal.  There are such types of parasites affecting animals as well, and I have seen very toxic microscopic parasites.

If we go back to the idea that we are sharing food with parasites, then the minimum risk is malnutrition.  Moreover, there might be a question about first dibs on dinner.  I think the parasites are literally in a favorable position to take what they want before the host gets a chance to benefit.  This said, it would seem that parasites have a highly developed sense of smell so they know when meals are served and can make a dash for the banquet.  Then, they may leave the feast.  Some travel via the lymphatic system where at minimum they damage the valves.  This can lead to lymphedema.  Some go to the gonads but some only do this between midnight and 2:00 am so unless one has an ultrasound at the bewitching hour, the parasites will not be discovered.  As we know, the parasites can also go to the eyes and skin and even the brain.  In short, parasite infections can be really unpleasant.  One doctor told me that some of his autistic patients eliminate several pounds of intestinal parasites daily.

Insect Bites

I will leave this now and go to microscopic parasites.  These also have multiple modes of entry, but insect bites are one of the favored modes.  These parasites can also travel.  I have found them in the blood of almost every person tested.  The only exceptions were two patients seen in Germany who had very high levels of metal toxicity.  One had been hit by a bullet in a war zone while an innocent passenger in the car with his family.  The other had Lou Gehrig’s disease and a mouthful of amalgam fillings.

The only other exceptions have been patients who were treated and who became free of the infections.  Microscopic parasites can be seen in the plasma or inside red blood cells.  When I talked to some doctors in Europe about this, they said, “Never” but that was some years ago, and it is clear that babesia, one of the co-infections of Lyme disease, is very much like malaria so it is possible that I was seeing babesia, not malaria.

Let’s create a context so the dilemma is clear.  In Salzburg, I saw so much of this infection that I dubbed it Salzburger syndrome.  It was August and very, very hot, truly unpleasantly hot.  Many of the patients had lived in Africa and had had malaria when living in Kenya, South Africa, or elsewhere.  It was therefore obvious that they had been exposed, but the explanation for the infections among those who had not traveled outside of Europe was a bit lacking.  There were, of course, many mosquitos in Salzburg and homes did not have screens on the windows.  Truth be told, I found hygiene quite lacking as there were flies on food in bakeries as well as what was served in cafes.  In fact, I went into a coma.  When I awakened, my translator was standing beside the bed trying to explain how much time had passed and how high my fever was.

Now, of course, I can look back and ask again what exactly I was seeing.  We know the incidence of Lyme disease is extensive and underreported.  I went back to Austria a few more times.  This time, I was not looking through the microscope, but I recall chemtrails as bad as anywhere in the U.S.  Of course, they are very serious in Germany also and probably many other countries.  For instance, I have seen a lot of pictures of Italian skies that look pretty bad.

We don’t know what sorts of cocktails are being rained on us, but my point is that we are exposed via inhalation and ingestion, probably also inoculation.  Thus, there is no basis for believing one could be exempt from hazards.


So, what do we do?  In high risk occupations, one can do a monthly parasite cleanse.  At minimum, this would be 36 hours of herbs but six days might be preferable.  In other situations, one should consider periodic cleansing, at least annually or monthly during the summer and early Autumn.  When traveling, one should always have some herbs for mal de turista as well as various traumas associated with eating indigestible or GMO foods.  I have put together a travel kit and many have told me they were the only ones without travel complaints touring out-of-the-way places.  What patients need to consider is the level of their risk.  The biggest risk factors are probably:

    1. Travel in warm climatic zones
    2. Eating uncooked food
    3. Insect bites’
    4. Contact with animals
    5. Gardening
    6. Chemtrails
    7. Poor hygiene and health habits

I put hygiene last because one can be a fanatic like me, three planets in Virgo plus a Swedish mother, and because some things are just beyond our control. 

To wrap up for today, I would like to revisit some history.  When I was researching botanical cancer treatments, I was repeatedly surprised to see how many herbs had both anti-cancer and anti-parasitic properties.  Many also were unique to eye diseases as well as cancer and parasites.  I just made mental notes because the dots were not yet fully connected.

Later, as I put time into the study of regeneration, I kept finding that many rasayana herbs, including some of those used in preparation for kalpa, are antiparasitic.  Then, as I listened to more and more ayahuasca stories, I realized that even ayahuasca often causes extreme vomiting of parasites.  Similar protocols were used in preparation for kalpa, including projectile vomiting of parasites.

My feeling is that this strategy is too stressful and shocking.  We can use a more gradual approach in which there is less drama.  Over the years, I have experimented on myself as well as with patients.  For example, given that parasites forage, we can tempt them with something delicious, usually something sweet, but we can also sedate them. 

I got this idea from reading about the use of black walnut by Native American fishermen.  They threw the black walnut into the water and found it easier to catch fish because the fish were a bit disoriented or drugged. 

Here is one of my experiments.  Eat something with carbohydrates, like pasta or desert.  Then, make a very oily broth with something like pumpkin oil.  Add black walnut to the broth and drink quite a bit.  The intestinal parasites will be too disoriented to resist being flushed out.

This approach is non-toxic for patients so now if we compare the herbs to the advice in medical books, we have less room for complacency.  In short, the therapy is not dangerous so why take the risks associated with infection?

If we go back a few decades, outside of the tropics, there was not much awareness of the dangers of parasites.  Yet, Europeans used wormwood and black walnut routinely, especially during the harvest season.

With the advent of Hulda Clark’s best-selling books, people became interested in her herbal remedies as well as the zapper.  I do not know exactly what happens with the zapper and intestinal parasites, but I know that blood parasites sort of shrivel up.  I can see tiny microscopic perforations in the membranes of the parasites.  The parasites lose fluids and look totally lifeless, but they are not eaten by bacteria so they float around as debris.

The question arose as to how the debris will be eliminated, and I don’t have an answer.  With the intestines, this did not concern me, but if a parasite dies in the plasma or brain and is not eaten by bacteria, I was not sure exactly how the process would proceed.  With herbs, the blood parasites are either eaten by bacteria or they break down through fermentation.  This seems to depend on exposure to medications or chemicals that harm bacteria, such as antibiotics or very strong pharmaceuticals like immunosuppressive drugs.

When the parasites are all shriveled up, there is not enough fleshy material to attract the cleanup crews so I have just seen the corpses drifting in plasma, nothing eating them.

So, this brings up my last point.  A more or less healthy person may run a low fever when doing a parasite cleanse because there will be a lot of work for bacteria.  After many, many years using these protocols, I have yet to hear of anyone who felt so sick that he or she stayed home in bed, but some grogginess, achiness, and fever is par for the course.  This may last a few days, usually worst on days three-to-five.  My observations through the microscope convinced me that the parasites are dead, meaning it is not necessary to take more antiparasitic herbs.  One can, for safe measure, take some antiparasitic herbs, but one actually needs more immune enhancing herbs at this stage.  That is why I formulated the three herbs to take in sequence.  Arjuna’s Arrows is antiparasitic but substitutions can be considered such as black walnut or haritaki or artemisia.   Dragon Dreams was named partly because some patients had wild dreams when the parasites were dying and partly because I put Dragon’s Blood (an herb called sangre de grado or sangre de draco) into the formula to reduce the risk of internal bleeding.  The reason is that parasites may perforate tissues such as intestinal walls or the gall bladder.  I wanted to be sure the risks were minimal.  This formula seems innocuous and I see orders from people both with and without it, but there was a purpose for formulating it so I think those who can afford it should use it.

Phoenix Rising is the third and it is there to support normalcy after a week of cleansing.  It just helps the body to readjust.  Then, we suspend treatment unless there are serious symptoms or remaining parasites.  Ideally, people would start right about now, right before the full moon and they would go through this sequence, then suspend these particular herbs for a fortnight before starting round two.  Each round tends to be easier, but because parasites can lay tens of thousands of eggs, the risk of recurrence is always there.  Here, we can pay attention to words.  There is a risk of recurrence because of the eggs.  There is a risk of reinfection because of the life style. 

During the part of the cycle from the new moon to the next full moon, people can concentrate more on regeneration of the affected body parts.  The obvious areas would be the intestines and brain but also the blood and plasma.  Okay, so not everyone has three planets in Virgo, but this explains my protocols and reasons for the particular approach I have found useful.




Parasite Protocols for Children || Blood Parasites || Types of Parasites
Miniature Snakes || Fashions in Medicine || How Parasites Die || Spirochetes
Moss amd Mosquitoes || Mosquito Bites || Artemisia Annua || Wormwood || Bitter Taste





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