Dear Subscribers,
First of all, Dr. Indunil and I would like to thank all those who have made donations to our work. You are very kind and we have reached almost 60% of our goal. We were aiming for $5000 by August so it looks very promising at the moment. We are truly grateful to everyone for the psychological, professional, and tangible support.
I have been Skyping with our developer. He took a short holiday at the end of Ramadan and went hiking in the Himalayan region in the North of Pakistan. He will be back at work tomorrow. All four of us are working hard to launch the research project. Dr. Indunil is working on the protocols and Damien is busy with the graphics. I am coordinating and studying the content: the explanatory material and strategies for detoxifying. This is all done in tandem with Dr. Indunil and I wanted to give a few examples of how and why we have taken the particular approach we have decided to use.
We both read voraciously, a mixture of horrendously watered down popular stuff and mind bending academic research. We discuss, test the theories in our minds and then with patients. The enormous difference between real herbal medicine and theoretical models is that we can make adjustments constantly, even 2-3 times a day. So, let's make this clear.
I promised a long time back to discuss mercury and immunity. For all intents and purposes, people with toxic metal burdens do not have immunity. The toxic substances are by no means limited to mercury. Aluminum, lead, cadmium, uranium, and so on and so forth knock out the capacity of the immune system to do its work. I worded that a bit awkwardly. What we see in darkfield is that the body is producing white blood cells but they are so busy fighting a losing battle with toxins that they cannot handle the rest of the health challenges. I have explained in the past that for the most part, white blood cells are cautious. If a parasite dies, the white blood cells "hang out" on the periphery of the slide for several days while bacteria eat the dead parasite. Only when the bacteria have chomped away as much as they can do the white blood cells approach the scene of death. They tend to pack up the bacteria which some people will call eating, but I do not actually believe this is what happens. What I am reading in cutting edge books on bacteriology is that a few others besides myself realize that the textbooks are full of mistakes; but they will lose their jobs unless they stick to the prescribed curriculum. Being self-employed, I cannot lose my job so I take more risks, but we need the video camera to prove the points.
If you read a conventional account of microscopic study of the blood, there are microscopes operated electronically and those that are operated by humans, often college students who are not even majoring in medicine. They can observe 40 slides an hour. A live blood analyst will probably spend 40 minutes with each slide, maybe less. I spend four days with each slide and sometimes weeks, depending on the viability of the objects in the sample. There are reasons for this. In college, I was torn between anthropology and philosophy. Truth be told, I absolutely loved anthropology but philosophy as taught in most universities at that time was dry and boring. The point here is that anthropologists are taught to observe but not influence. We will take a little detour and you can judge for yourself whether or not this is a valid approach.
Let's say we are interested in jungle medicine. We go to the jungle, learn a strange language, hang out with the shamans and try to see and understand the world as they see it. They have no idea what the botanical names of the plants are, and they have no idea what the "correct" medical terminology is for diseases. However, they can talk to plants and the spirits around the plants, explain the complaints to the spirits and plants, and ask if the plant wishes to help the patient. The field anthropologist must not interfere in this process. Whether or not he or she can see the spirits or believe what the shaman says is moot. For the most part, even within our own cultural circles, we do not necessarily understand what another person understands. However, a good listener will eventually learn to see the world through the eyes of another. If those eyes are as mysterious as those of my kahuna mentor in Hawaii or a shaman, it is doubtful that the observer will actually have the experiences related by the traditional healers. They can however report, and they must report in the most unbiased manner possible. In short, they provide an accurate account of what is told even if nothing can be corroborated. They can, of course, see the outcome, but can they understand it?
So, I have said I am a blood behaviorist. I chose the words carefully because there is no pretense to scientific training, just observations. However, one of the rules of science is that if the experiments can be replicated, they are relevant. Others have had no trouble at all replicating my experiments. To the best of my knowledge, there is no medical specialty called "blood behaviorist" so I am not stepping on any toes. In the best of circumstances, we are however warned that the observer can never be entirely separate from what is observed. Whether this is a psychic phenomenon or mystery of quantum healing is for others to decide but last night I watched a video on youtube, quite erudite actually, in which 80% of cures were attributed to a placebo effect. So, if we go back to the jungle and whatever superstitions are held by patients, we can imagine that some of what transpires is not scientific in the strictest sense of the word. There are emotional responses to the thoughts and these are actually very powerful, immensely powerful, since the entire chemistry of the body is affected by hormones and other catalysts that stimulate or inhibit various functions.
For the record, Ecuador is a country in which traditional medicine is encouraged within certain hospitals because the patients benefit by the support of their community and no one is obsessing over variables. The point is that science likes to work with a single hypothesis that makes it possible to test one expectation without reference to other variables. In an ideal laboratory situation, all tests would be done on identical twins who ingest the same food and beverages, listen to the same music, and are married to the same person or to other identical twins. Then, in theory, the hypothesis can be tested in a controlled manner. This is like psychological sterility. If you need the needles to be sterile, you also need the psychospiritual components of research to be neutral. Realistically, this is impossible.
We are not machines so we are in fact influenced on both a conscious and unconscious level. This said, I want to go back to the slides and observations. The normal method is to look for something in particular. Is it there? Yes or no? To make this come alive, I will relate an incident in Europe. The blood was moving very fast so I scrolled backwards to see why. Two doctors walked in at just that moment and saw the action on the monitor and asked what I was doing. I said, "Studying". They said my technique is wrong. I said, "I am curious so I want to know why the blood in moving." They said they were taught to ignore all blood that is moving. I asked why they were taught that and why they were not curious. I said, "The blood is frightened and I want to know why it is frightened." They were not humored at all. I got the impression that they were embarrassed by my ignorance.
The day I left, the doctor asked me to accompany him to the lab to have a look. He had found an organism in the blood that is normally associated with the uterine infections . . . using my technique. He was over the top pleased to have something this important to show me. This is "anthropology" and it is obviously relevant. Now, going the other way, Dr. Indunil sent me a video a couple of days ago with a quiz. "What do you see?" It obviously was not a blood sample so she was testing me. I said I had no idea what I was seeing but I could be sure there would be parasites hatching very soon. Five videos later, she showed me the parasites.
Well, these are the kinds of games people in my world find fun, but we need to get back to immunity. The textbooks, those books that require a lot of rewriting, do not ascribe much longevity to white blood cells. I believe in immortality. We die because we are not in balance. If we could maintain homeostasis, there would be no wear and tear. I have kept my own white blood cells alive for seven weeks without any sign of deterioration despite lack of nutrition, temperature changes, and the risk that the fluids on the slide would dry up. I left for a trip and had no idea whether or not the cells could live even longer. However, we do not achieve homeostasis without constant tweaking.
Unfortunately, we have to start with the negative. What is wrong and what do we need to fix? Returning now to the metal toxicity and white blood cells, we recall that white blood cells are cautious. They avoid dead parasites, run like crazy from mold, but for some totally inexplicable reason, they attack what I associate with metal toxicity. Believe me, I have talked to a lot of people in hopes of getting a correct term for these objects, but we don't actually know what to call them. They are however very dangerous and the white blood cells die when they take on the objects. Worse, after the first 25-30 cells die, reinforcements come and those cells suffer the same fate. This goes on and on until there are no more white blood cells on the slide. That is not however the end of the story. The plasma is full of disintegrated white blood cells and this very congesting.


These images were taken in Switzerland. The patient had many amalgams and was battling a life-threatening disease. She had the amalgams removed and is fine now. The "issue" for the uninitiated is that the rate of deterioration of both red and white blood cells was extremely rapid.
In the opinion of Dr. Indunil and myself, no regeneration is possible under these circumstances. Therefore degeneration is operating at the expense of health. |
I can speculate about what I am seeing, but there will be people who laugh, but then they may or may have the last laugh. Anyway, my clinical experience is that five days on the correct protocol eliminates these objects and then the white blood cells thrive. So, the next question is can we attract all the mercury and other metals that are stored in the brain and liver and lungs and kidneys and flush them out of the body? Patients with heavy burdens of metals are often hypersensitive. Some are so sensitive that if they touch something metallic, their skin turns black. Some get nauseous and dizzy with a single drop of cilantro once every five days. Others can gulp cilantro like a gin and tonic or Cointreau. It is not however as simple as ingesting cilantro because the organs of elimination, bone marrow, and even the brain need support.
So, how important is this? Well, how many people do you know with multiple chemical sensitivities or Alzheimer's? It's that important and you can add to the list multiple allergies, nervous disorders, neurological issues, and probably conditions like leukemia though some of these issues have other causes.
What we are doing now is organizing all the protocols for every kind of oral issue. There will be downloadable material and everyone who participates in the study will get a tiny amount of digital support. Obviously, those with very complex issues are welcome to visit Dr. Indunil in Ecuador.
Mercury is just the starting point. There are people who have had their amalgams removed but who still have symptoms of toxicity. Sad to say, composites are not benign either. They belong to category of biological hazards called xenoestrogens and these substances are pervasive in the environment. There are people who are so sensitive to xenoestrogens that they pose a life or death concern.
There are oral infections involving the gums, tonsils, tongue, and these can travel to the brain, heart, stomach, you name it. So, we are taking on a huge challenge since it is a starting point for becoming well. We are working not quite round the clock, but almost so. You will begin to see changes on the various sites as I pull together material from,,, and There are 3000 essays to organize so I am doing them in batches.
Many thanks for your interest in these subjects. We are so happy to have experiences we can share with you.
Many blessings,
P.S. Donations can be made using the link at the bottom of this page:
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2016
Flash Presentation on Amalgams
Mercury Toxicity
Video: Smoking Tooth
Oral Chelation
