Dear Subscribers,
We are approaching our one-year mark in Ecuador. Dr. Indunil arrived on July 3rd last year and has been there consistently all this time. While waiting for the visa, one cannot leave the country. After receiving the visa, one can travel but for only 90 days per year. I have made three trips during this year, three weeks each time. As I write this, Dr. Indunil is at a shop where they are making the new sign for her practice. The developer for the study she is going to conduct is tweaking the last details. If you are going to participate in the study, you can start by putting together a sort of dental file. I went to my dentist on Wednesday and had high res images taken of all my teeth. He is very interested in the study and will probably offer some advice at some point.
So, why start here? There are two reasons. The first is that the theories behind the study are Ayurvedic, but the most important reason is that the mouth is the source of a lot of health problems. I will quote some statements I have heard over the years. One is that 98% of deaths start with dental issues. I was at a seminar on oral toxicology when that figure was announced by the lead presenter. You can imagine the stir in the room. Provocative as the assertion was, it required a lot of explanation and defense. For example, oral infections are the major cause of heart attacks. Infections can begin in the teeth or between the teeth and gums. A researcher in Switzerland, Dr. Judith Miklossy, wrote in an e-mail to me that there are 60 species of spirochetes that live in the mouth. I saw one of these in a patient with AIDS, but there is no proof that the spirochete was linked to AIDS, simply that it came from a tooth scrapping. My dentist said "the mouth is the filthiest place in the body" and there are those who concur. One of the other presenters at the seminar I attended, Boyd Haley from the University of Kentucky, studied extracted teeth and reported that each tooth harbored an average of 38 different kinds of pathogenic microorganisms.
Doctors in Europe have referred their patients to me often did so because they could not figure out why a particular protocol was not working. As fate would have it, and I really believe this is a destiny-type of situation for me, I started in Germany where amalgams are not only banned but the government paid for their removal. Here a few comments are appropriate. First of all, Germany accepted responsibility for the risks posed by amalgams and tried to make amends by covering the cost of removal, not chelation but replacement. Most people in Germany had had their amalgams replaced. This was all front page news in Der Spiegel for over a year, but it seems people in Austria and Switzerland do not read Der Spiegel. In Austria, I saw only a few people who had had their amalgams removed. In Switzerland, practically every patient still had amalgams.
The reason for taking your time to explain this is that there was a dramatic difference in immunity — as well as immune response to herbs — that I came to attribute to the amalgams. Out of everyone I saw in Germany, only two had extremely poor responses to the herbs. One had a bullet in his spine that could not be removed. He was in a wheelchair and was taking quite a few medications. The other had Lou Gehrig's disease and a mouthful of amalgams. What you see in live blood analysis is that there are white blood cells, lots of them, but they die almost immediately. After watching this again and again for several years, I concluded that in addition to the obvious crisis, there had to be a lot of stress elsewhere, such as the bone marrow. This would make complete regeneration impossible. I base that conclusion on the Ayurvedic concept of sequential regeneration of tissues. However, the problems are visible in the plasma itself. I have talked to a number of microscopists, theoreticians, and even some hematologists, but no one has a proper name for the objects I see. I can tell you what they say the objects are, but there is no proof of what they are. What I can say is that there is a correlation between metal toxicity and death of white blood cells and the cause appears to be something inorganic that is lethal. It is highly active, not mobile, meaning I have never seen these objects initiate movement. They flow, but cannot move in the way a phagocyte moves. Let me try to make this clear. A phagocyte will propel itself and eat bacteria or clean the surface of an erythrocyte. These lethal objects cannot or do not do this. They are immobile but they appear to be electrically active. The people with many of these objects are very ill, but in six days on a chelation protocol, these objects disappear. However, it is not just a matter of adding one or two supplements but often patients have to eliminate supplements that are not supporting correction of the terrain. Ah, now you see why I am obsessed about terrain and why I want to keep writing about it.
Plasma is the first "tissue" of importance. Yes, it is basically a slightly alkaline fluid but it is like a river and can be quite polluted. Now, if you think of a fish tank and you pour something harmful into the water, you do not really expect the fish to survive. Well, if they do survive, they might not be particularly well. So, this reminds me of another story. I had an aquarium in Santa Fe and my plecostomus was floating upside down. I was quite upset because I liked this fellow a lot. He was the window washer and that is sort of like a phagocyte. Okay, cut me some slack because we need to think outside the box sometimes. So, Friday, that was his name, was very ill. I put a statue of St. Francis on top of the aquarium and prayed for him and he recovered within a day. I think the point is that water is simply amazing. I am sure the late Dr. Emoto would not have been at all surprised by this response, but we have water in our bodies, too.
Now, certain herbs are natural water cleaners. Just as Friday washed the glass of the aquarium, some herbs are very cleansing. They grow in filthy places, but here is something really important to consider. Mercury, as an example, is lipophilic, meaning it likes fatty tissue. So, what happens when an amalgam is put in a tooth. Has anyone measured the distance from the tooth to the brain? Circulation occurs everywhere. Now, whether we are talking about Lyme disease or mercury toxicity, we have to think about the brain because spirochetes also love the brain. Yes, they love the oral cavity, too, but they are mobile. I watched the spirochete from the tooth scraping for hours and hours because it was fascinating. It was battling a rod form bacterium, one-on-one battle between equal but entirely different organisms. If you think of one of those youtube videos of a crocodile tangling with hippopotamus, you sort get the idea, but in miniature.
The irony is that the herbs that grow in stagnant and polluted water are among the mosre highly regarded brain tonics. This is Nature at Her best. She has given us solutions. Sometimes people are fanatical about the sources of their herbs. They want everything pristine but where does an herb from a pristine environment learn to cope with toxicity?
Dr. Indunil has asked me not to say too much because she wants to start on a level playing field without imagination and concepts. As a scientist, her desire for neutrality is to be commended, but my fear is that people will consider this study as the equivalent of an effort to develop a new and improved mouthwash. So, I overstepped a bit in order to expand the view. I hope she will cut me a little slack.
In the meantime, people have asked about growing herbs in Ecuador. Yes, we plan to network with people and, in fact, have already done so. As you can see, things take time. It has taken a year to get the licensing and various approvals and certificates. Having observed this process, I plan to take a different route. It will cost more money but be faster so I plan to catch up with Dr. Indunil within three months.
On the third, two days from now, we will provide the link for the research. At the same time, there will be a temporary library of materials on oral health issues. The real library will not open until August. These will be the first of my sites that are mobile compatible. Then, in late September, we will roll out the online campus, also mobile compatible. Next year, we will start live seminars. Up to now, everything has been free. All the information has been provided without cost. Your support therefore means a lot. We had an interim goal of $5000 by August. We have reached about 30% of that goal and we thank you enormously for your donations. They help a lot and inspire us to keep moving forward. Dr. Indunil refers to this as "Ingrid's Dream" but it is not really a dream so much as a legacy. I am making sure the fruits of my journey are available to all who are interested.
Many blessings,
P.S. Donations can be made using the link at the bottom of this page:
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2016
Flash Presentation on Amalgams
Mercury Toxicity
Video: Smoking Tooth
Oral Chelation
