Dear Subscribers,
A few years ago, I bought a book called "Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye" and a some of you have ordered it. I found it a little simplistic but have tried to find additional information because there really is no such thing as safe dentistry; and then, because of our research project, both Dr. Indunil and I have been sort of knee-deep in the invisible part of the study, which is what do with the information collected since the study will be interactive. This means that downloadable material will be made available based on the answers. Those who want to go one step further will be able to enroll in a second level of the study.
So, why haven't we launched yet? Well, there were three more tiny glitches when we ran a few trials. Those were fixed over the weekend. Dr. Indunil also roughed out the recommendations for each response that indicates a need for improvement. I have been writing up the nuts and bolts into somewhat more fluent formats. In the meantime, to be perfectly candid, I ran into an entirely unexpected collection of iatrogenic issues that drove home the need for safe dentistry. To tell you the truth, I have been through a nightmare, but it actually had nothing to do with the study since Dr. Indunil started the project almost a year before my issues arose. Call it synchronicity.
Two herbalists in my somewhat broad circle of contacts rave on and on about chaparral. I have some pretty amazing chaparral stories myself, but not enough to give it top position in my herbal edifice. Ryan Drum was however the first person to claim it as so special that . . . well, you know the desert island question . . . if you could only take one herb with you to the island, which would it be? What I am saying is that at the time Ryan and I were talking (in Cincinnati), it was clear that chaparral held a special place of honor. This seems also to be the case with Doug Simons whose interview I recently recommended.
Yesterday, I decided to try it and well, chaparral was pretty amazing so Dr. Indunil is going to try this with some patients to see if the same thing happens for them as happened for me. So, why all the fuss? I think I have to do some rewinding because e-mails to me make it clear that some truly important information seems to be getting lost in the wind. I will try to hammer home those points. |
If someone has mercury amalgam fillings, the white blood cells are tangled up in an impossible battle, meaning the fatality rate exceeds anything one could imagine. You know that I believe the blood cells are sentient. Years and years ago, I read a curious book called "From the Mundane to the Magnificent" by Vera Stanley Alder. My copy is nowhere to be found, but perhaps will show up when I unpack in Ecuador! Anyway, if my memory serves me correctly, she saw evolution as a kind of movement from simple incarnations to more and more complex ones and what she described with blood cells was rather enchanting. I doubt however it influenced my thinking. Rather, the ideas were charming and therefore engaging but I tend to favor a view that we are already part of the divine; and we lose memory of that and have to go through many challenges before we can regain the understanding we lost. I guess I am saying that we are already perfect on some level but we are, myself included, unable to express this perfection in this dimension. If we were free of the limitations of the sensory world, we might seem more divine and if we were free of the level beyond this, we would surely be more awesome yet. I believe mystics and enlightened beings see this which is why the obstacles to spiritual awareness seem less monumental for them than for others.
Okay, so if the blood cells, both red and white, are sentient and have some kind of survival instinct, why do they commit suicide over toxic metals? I think we should avoid simplistic explanations, meaning if the military recruits people and dresses them up in fancy uniforms and tells them to stand up in front of a rain of bullets, the recruits are either impassioned by propaganda or bullied by authority since common sense would definitely not support such folly. Okay, that is political and I do not want to go there, but when watching white blood cells for hours on end, you see they are extremely cautious. The red blood cells take most of the risk and they definitely take orders from the white blood cells. I might be biased but I have always seen the red blood cells as masculine and the white as feminine. Well, I could go further and say that the blood is organized into a matriarchal society with very wise authority vested in specific white blood cells. The red blood cells seem more youthful and rambunctious, but even they play somewhat carefully. They can tease and torment but they rarely offer themselves up for lunch unless already dying, such as when perforated by gamma rays or too toxic to function. If they are healthy and normal, they can sometimes play games with a parasite, bumping and banging it but moving away when the mouth opens. They only offer themselves for lunch when really trashed.
White blood cells are even more cautious and usually maintain a distance when there is serious trouble . . . except when there are toxic metals. Why?
Why? The only explanation that makes any sense is that their habitat, i.e., the inside of a body, is threatened so seriously that they will sacrifice themselves for the benefit of other members of their species, like standing in front of bayonets and bullets. What else would subordinate the natural instinct for survival to such an extent? So, mercury is very dangerous and uses up virtually all of the resources of the immune system so that nothing is left for other tasks.
This is point number one. Point number two is that when we chew or just sip a glass of herbal tea, we are mixing whatever is in our mouths with our nutrition, which even if not nutritious is still ingested and goes through the whole gastrointestinal tract, spreading toxicity and infection. It has been known for over a century that mercury is neurotoxic, but tooth decay is also toxic. Bacteria thrive on carbohydrates and then multiply and produce acids that further corrode the teeth so this is a progression that unfortunately spreads to other organs of the body. It is estimated that poor oral health is the leading cause of heart disease, not to mention digestive and eliminatory problems.
Dental Specialties
Over the last week or so, I have defined for various querents what they should expect from dentists who use descriptive subtitles for their practices. For instance, "mercury-free" means slightly more conscious than when first graduating from dental school. It is not a big hat these days. It was when Weston Price and later Hal Huggins were struggling to be heard, but about 75% of fillings placed today are composites, not mercury amalgams. Amalgams have been banned in most of Scandinavia; and the EU, if it continues to exist, is proposing a ban for all member countries, not on the basis of human safety studies but rather for environmental reasons. Sweden, as I have mentioned in previous posts, is so serious about mercury that all amalgams must be removed before bodies are cremated.
The problem is that knowing this, what can one do? Composites are not really desirable either. They are made of xenoestrogens and are endocrine disruptors. Many contain compounds that release fluoride and some are fouled with bisphenol-A. They are basically plastic and while much more aesthetic than the "silver" fillings, they are not inert or safe. After this, we have options such as gold, which is rarely pure gold, but rather an amalgam, hopefully of noble metals, but this is not always the case. Gold as well as zirconium are stable, meaning they should be biocompatible, but most zirconium is just slightly radioactive. It releases beta "packages" on an ongoing basis.
Holistic Dentistry
Now, let's review the definitions. Mercury-free usually only means that the dentist uses composites in situations in which he or she might formerly have used amalgams. It does not really mean "holistic" which is the next step up from mercury-free. I think we can question the level of consciousness of each dentist claiming to be holistic. Some may consider headphones with music a sort of comfortable dentistry as compared to the kamikaze dentists that have patients in three rooms and rush from one to the other. That may be the only way to pay off student loans, but the headphones do lose some credibility unless the holistic dentists really try hard to avoid toxic substances. Some holistic dentists go well beyond the comfort and use a few natural remedies to aid recovery from dental trauma.
The next step up from holistic is biological dentistry. There are some very definite expectations with biological dentists that are important. First, when they remove amalgams, they use state of the art safety precautions: rubber dams that isolate the tooth being treated from the rest of the mouth, lots of suction, and usually goggles and a mask for oxygen inhalation. This is a lot to consider because I am guessing that only 1-2% of people reading this have ever been to a biological dentist. Mercury is liquid at 68° F and it vaporizes quickly with the heat of drilling. That vapor can be inhaled by all in the room. So, the oxygen mask is to protect the patient. There is suction, usually performed by the hygienist who assists the dentist, but also HEPA filtration. The placement of this system must be perfect. I knew a dentist in Santa Fe whose equipment was not positioned correctly and his head started to swell and he was forced into early, very early, retirement. The HEPA filtration system tries to capture all the vapor and reduce risks for the patients and practitioners. The material collected has to be handled using hazmat procedures.
One biological dentist I knew changed all the cabinets in his office every 12-18 months. This is because the furniture also absorbs mercury and so do wood saunas and countless other objects such as clothing. Try to imagine going to a sauna for health reasons but inhaling mercury vapor from one's own mouth or those of others using the sauna. Okay, I can be a fanatic but the thresholds for tolerance vary enormously and there is no safe level above zero. Symptoms do however differ as does the ability to excrete mercury.
In addition to the safety precautions, biological dentists can send blood to a lab that will determine which of the hundreds of available dental substances and materials would be most biocompatible for the patient. Very sensitive people, such as those with multiple allergies and chemical sensitivities, should invest in this kind of testing. There are a few other expectations with biological dentists. First, when they remove the amalgams, they will try to cut out as much as possible without drilling. When they do drill, they use a slower drill, but that is relative since it is still whizzing and there will still be vapor. These dentists may also be able to support intravenous chelation. They often use some homeopathic or isopathic remedies . . . because this form of dentistry got its start in Germany where Sanum remedies were used in conjunction with a now largely discredited form of darkfield microscopy. I say this very cautiously because you know I love darkfield microscopy, but what I do has little resemblance to what you can expect in Europe.
Why all the loops here? The reason is that over the last week, I have met one confused person after another. They never heard about this or that; they never imagined that their illnesses might be related to conditions in the mouth rather than food they were eating; or they never thought about the risks of flossing, periodontal probes, or fluoride in various dental materials. Fluoride is often used in marketing as a "positive" rather than serious negative. It is alleged that it inhibits tooth decay but this is just hype since even if there were an ounce of truth in the statement, fluoride is so toxic that there is no justification for using it.
So now that we are all between a rock and hard place, where do we go from here? Years ago, I watched a few personal videos by patients who were so sensitive that they decided to live with holes in their teeth rather than submit to toxic dental materials. Several claimed to have successfully managed the holes without further infection. Obviously, this does almost require obsessive hygienic practices. When I listened to the interview with Doug Simons, I was a bit skeptical but decided to test his ideas. His statements could be summarized as follows. First, teeth will regenerate using horsetail. Second, decay can be removed by chewing chaparral.
My story is just a little complex because there were multiple problems. A piece of dental cement cut into my gums and the two teeth on either side of the cut infected. One had a crown and I have so far asked two dentists to remove the crown. Both refused so I am looking for another dentist. The Ecuadorian dentist insisted that the teeth needed cleaning before he could x-ray them. This is, of course, absurd, but I somehow acquiesced and then asked the hygienist to stop. I left and cancelled the appointment in which we were going to discuss what to do with the crown. By using the explorer, the infection spread to every tooth. I told you this is a nightmare. Okay, so necessity is the mother of invention. I had a plan already for regenerating the teeth. I was going to use bamboo manna and pearl powder. It took a while to assemble all the diagnostic tools and ingredients. In the meantime, I kept things mostly under control with Indigo Drops and wild oregano oil which, for the record, worked better than clove oil for me. I tried many oils. You know I have a hundred of them here so I tried one after another, but wild oregano provided very quick relief.
Before I had received the pearl powder and tools, a tooth made a huge popping sound and a chunk came off. The dentist said it was a part of a composite, not the tooth itself. I was dumbfounded, he told me he had removed the composites years ago.
The tools began to arrive, and I felt I had a bit more control and then a second tooth made the same kind of popping noise and more composite fell out. Of course, the dentist suggested crowns, but, truth be told, I am fed up with crowns and decided to join the ranks of the stubborn people on youtube who have kissed their dentists goodbye.
Warning! You cannot do this with will power alone. You must be prepared to master a skill that requires a lot of time, discipline, and study. However, we are going to make this easy. Simons said that tooth regeneration does not occur normally when the tooth has foreign restorations. That might not be literally what he said, but I saw one tooth with a small onlay that is growing in an odd way so I think I am going to take some risks and start a new do-it yourself project.
The first observation is that regeneration does not occur by brushing with minerals. It occurs exactly as Ayurveda suggests. Regeneration follows a sequence and there are apparently tiny, tiny tubules that if stretched out would span 10 kilometers (six miles) and micronutrients are supplied to the teeth by these tubules. I can now see a milky fluid inside the teeth and have ordered equipment so that Dr. Indunil will be able to document this using very high magnification and extremely bright LED lights. It is very beautiful to watch these mysterious processes.
Simons said that regeneration usually takes two weeks, sometimes two to six months. Frankly, I doubted this is the case for anything but a small problem. Otherwise, we revert to the Ayurvedic theories and say regeneration does not really start in earnest until all the preliminary steps have been perfected, meaning if the blood cells are a wreck, no regeneration will occur. Said another way, realistically, regeneration may take some people several years because the obstacles have to be overcome before the renewal will take place.
Try to keep in mind that many of our efforts begin because of the particular problems the patients are facing. It has become very clear to some of the foreign patients that a residential facility is imperative for two reasons: it would provide for the needs in a more supportive environment; and secondly, it would eliminate the complexities associated with finding a suitable place to stay and then the right food. So we are back where we started: how do we launch the time sharing project? Many people will want to come for a month or two and then return after a few months for another stay. This would be easier with a time share place.
There are many would-be pundits on youtube but I think we need to see more and hear less. We will be posting images over the next couple of days.
Now, back to decay. Chewing chaparral leaves did not work for me. The reason is no doubt simple. Chewing means that the majority of the contact is with the biting surface and people will, of course, avoid the teeth that are sensitive. I therefore made a sort of goo to put directly on the decay. It works surprisingly fast and amazingly. I was astonished by the speed.
Next, part of the issue with decay is periodontal. Many people on youtube stated that flossing was dangerous because it often cuts into the gums. Waterpiks can also cause bleeding. I got one but would completely redesign it so as to make it safer and more practical. In short, while perhaps better than flossing, it can also cause bleeding. So, Dr. Indunil and I formulated a new periodontal rinse that addresses most of the issues faced by patients. It is astringent so it tightens the gums. It is antiseptic and, to add importance to it, Ayur Rinse has cardioprotective herbs to support those who are at risk of heart conditions due to dental infections. It also contains six different essential oils that leave the mouth feeling fresh and smelling good. It can be used in three different ways: diluted in water as a rinse, placed full strength directly on the gums using either the eyedropper or a small paintbrush, or ingested in which case the effect on the gums will naturally be much less but some of the therapeutic benefits will become more systemic since rinsing is followed by spitting out the diluted herbs. This new product is on There are actually four new products: Bibhitaki, Hawthorn, and Bitter Melon.
Finally, we would again like to thank our generous donors. We have posted the updated list of donations but are a couple of weeks behind with receipts.
We have applied the excess towards a Seva fund for patients who cannot afford the treatment they need. Many, many thanks to all those who have supported our efforts.
How to Prepare Chaparral for Use with Teeth
The image above shows wildcrafted chaparral leaves ground in a suribachi. One can use an herb grinder, coffee grinder, mortal and pestle, or suribachi to make a powder. |
Enough organic extra virgin coconut oil has been added to make a sort of paste. It is not smooth or sticky so keeping where needed in the mouth is a little tricky. |
It is put in a violet glass jar for multiple uses. There is enough here to resolve even quite severe dental caries. Expect to use this 2-3 times a day until there is no more infection in the gums or teeth. The taste is not at all pleasant and takes a bit of courage. A cavity such as seen on the gumline will probably remineralize without a filling if it is managed carefully. Use horsetail internally for remineralization. Depending on the state of health, dosage, overall condition of the teeth, size and location of the decay, remineralization could take two weeks to six months.
The patient has not started yet so we will keep you posted. |
Donations can be made using the link at the bottom of this page:
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2016
Flash Presentation on Amalgams
Mercury Toxicity
Video: Smoking Tooth
Oral Chelation
