Priorities and Health Resolutions

Posted to Subscribers on 31 December 2017


Dear Subscribers,

Dear Subscribers,

In a moment, I will keep my promise about the health priorities we are going to consider in great detail, in a sequence in the new year. However, I have a few comments and requests to make. The capacity to manage subscriptions had apparently crashed. It is fixed now and there have already been some new subscribers. Can you let your friends and family know that subscribing is now a piece of cake:

Subscribe to BioethikaList

We are not finished with the facelift or migration, but the technical issues have been resolved by a freelancer in Sarajevo. Another freelancer is working on and another is tackling the Institute site. All are in the process of migration to new hosting. This was necessary because the hosting company stopped upgrading the control panel 750 days ago. It truly has been a nightmare! If you find any glitches, please let me know!

Now, to my promises. What I want to do in this first e-mail on the subject is discuss what I consider to be general priorities. If you read that carefullly, then you know there is a caveat, and that would be a very broad statement about personal health issues that take precedence over more generic approaches to health.


In my opinion, and this is just my opinion, the most dangerous threat is mold. The reason is that fungi are viable and they belong to the degenerative spectrum. I am going to reword this so we visualize the spectrum with degeneration, let's say far to the left, normal, but perhaps not remarkable in the middle, and regeneration on the other end. When we are healing and rejuvenating, we are, all other things equal, increasing both the quality of life and longevity. The work of fungi should actually begin after we are six feet under, not while we are still pretending to be Homo erectus.

This particular comment addresses viable mold. This has several components. First, there is the potential for allergic reactions. In extreme cases, people have died in minutes after exposure to mold. People who are otherwise physically fit, like a firefighter or professional athlete, have gone into shock and died, some almost instantly, and some in 20 minutes. Not everyone is at such risk, but failure to exhibit allergic reactions does not mean that it is safe to expose oneself to mold. It just means that there is less risk of anaphylactic shock or severe allergic reactions. Mold is still capable of eating flesh and colonizing vast areas of the body. It can domicile itself in virtually any tissue and start eating away, leaving holes, sometimes the size of tennis balls and occasionally the size of canteloupes. I have studied radiologic reports and images and seen whole areas of the brain, pancreas, lungs, stomach, and other organs eaten away. All one sees in the images is mist, no structure.

This is beyond scary, but there are all sorts of losses that result. For instance, in my case, when I was exposed after a flood 17 years ago, I was tired, disoriented, and covered in rashes which would be bad enough, but my memory and speech were both impaired. I could hear that my speech was slurred and a point came when I could not remember the name of my best friend. I knew she was my best friend, but it took two days to remember her name. I could not remember nouns which was a very interesting problem, but you can imagine how difficult it is to explain a protocol to someone if all the names of herbs have disappeared from your memory.

I am now, of course, living proof that mold need not claim one's life, but you can imagine the danger. This is a condition in which my expertise developed out of my own quest for solutions so I am the wounded healer in this particular area of health. So, here is what has to happen, and the details will be in future posts:

1. Move or remediate

2. Replace pillows every 18 months

3. Stop the colonization of fungi

4. Improve stamina and immunity

5. Detoxify from the mycotoxins

What one needs to overcome are denial and procrastination.

Toxic Metals

The second biggest challenge is metal toxicity, and this is another tough one because while some changes are simpler than others, some corrective measures are expensive and sometimes also difficult. Unlike mold, metal toxicity does not exactly get worse, meaning that if insult is not added to injury, the accumulation of toxins can be arrested but this is totally different from a cure. Metal toxicity can arise from exposure to mercury, aluminum, lead, barium, radioactive materials, and countless other substances such as arsenic and cadmium. There are two main immediate effects, one affecting the immune system and the other impacting neurological functions. Once in a rare while, I have heard of exposures that caused extreme distress almost instantly. I think we can argue that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and perhaps things like gunshot wounds can cause almost overnight changes that are neurological but the deterioration of functions, especially the brain, may take weeks, months, or years to reach critical mass. That may not have read well for some subscribers. Obviously, a gunshot wound is an immediate issue but the lead or sometimes depleted uranium may not produce symptoms instantly. Most toxic metals cause progressive problems, meaning they get worse over time — despite the possibility that the level of toxicity has not increased. The problem is that it has perhaps not decreased, or not decreased sufficiently, so this is where the risks are hiding.

The exception is more invisible. The metals interfere with the behavior of white blood cells. Actually, they are fatal to white blood cells, so the immediate issue is a drastic decrease in the efficiency of the immune system whereas the longer-term risks are to the neurological functions, including the brain.

The steps to take include the following. The list is not complete since all I am offering today is a thumbnail sketch of broader program that will be elaborated upon in future posts.

1. Stop using aluminum cookware and packaging materials

2. Avoid pesticides

3. Replace amalgam fillings with biologically compatible dental restoration materials

4. Chelate and detoxify

5. Take neuroregenerative herbs


The third hazard can arguably be first. It is infections. Some infections are acute and some are chronic. If one were exposed to Ebola or Zika viruses, there would be a need for emergency actions, and infections would become the immediate priority. However, many infections are subclinical and some will not resolve until other health issues are addressed. For instance, an infected root canal or chronic urinary tract infection may be weakening and ultimately dangerous, but, in my opinion, they usually require addressing one of the aggravating factors higher on the list.

Some common sense is warranted. The Simian Virus 40 contaminant in certain batches of the polio vaccine were usually slow to reveal themselves so the risks only became apparent after another illness presented itself, something like non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. As exposed in the book about Dr. Mary Sherman's monkeys, some viruses are peculiarly reactive to radiation and become lethal after exposure to x-rays.

These days, Lyme disease is pervasive. Historically, sexually transmitted diseases were a higher risk, but today it is Lyme disease. Its treatment should be a high priority.

Immune enhancing herbs obviously work better when there are no toxins in the body so chronic infections can usually be managed by a wise combination of detoxification and immune enhancing protocols, but acute infections require prompt and expert management. Hear ye, hear ye!


As much as I have written about parasites, you find them further down the list because usually they are not immediately life-threatening, but this is not always the case. Malaria, for example, can be fatal, but there are also people who survived more than 40 reinfections and who seem none the worse for wear. Malaria is allegedly the number one killer of humanity if we take fossil history and use it to determine how our distant ancestors died.

Parasites have a wide diversity of effects on exposed individuals. These can range from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fevers to severe bloating, toxemia, and blindness. So, we do not want these in our bodies. It is very easy to become infected. Insect bites are one risk but sometimes the infection comes from contamination in foods, even organically grown foods. In my opinion, again, just my opinion, people should contemplate doing at least two parasite cleanses every year. If the risk factors are high, such as more exposure to animals, travel or living in the tropics, or working with agricultural products, doing a parasite cleanse for 36 hours at the time of the full moon, i.e., monthly, is not at all a bad idea.

GMO Food

Genetically modified foods are ubiquitous. Eating such foods is a form of roulette. One may be fine or almost fine most of the time and then have a really serious bout with something. This is because the splicing of the genes is random and one cannot predict where the genes will fit into the DNA. I would suggest avoiding these foods and carrying something like my Intesti-Guard with you when you feel you cannot control your menu as well as you would like. In animal studies, there are cases where a single meal was fatal so these foods are not innocent and should be approached with caution.


Obviously, this thumbnail sketch is by no means complete. People have chronic problems such as diabetes and asthma and so on and so forth. They also have life-threatening issues so the best I can do as a starter is help frame some of the contributing factors to loss of health and propose that each person conquer the issues most relevant to the situation. What different individuals most fear may vary. One may fear pain and prolonged suffering; another may fear premature loss of capacity; and some fear death itself or loss of family. So, our priorities have to match what is most important to us.

Obviously, my belief is that we can all heal, and we will all eventually heal, but the question is: heal in which lifetime? We have to start with a toe in the water and there is no better time for making resolutions than now. In the meantime, my promise is to keep developing these concepts and presenting the protocols and strategies for alleviating risk factors.

Wishing all of you a wonderful new year!




Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2017



Mold Herbs





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