Having a Seizure

Posted to Subscribers on 4 May 2008

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While I plan to write many more books before I die, I do not plan to write one on parasites.  Consider that the material I am posting to the web is a gauntlet to have a look and review all sorts of thought patterns based on mantras such as "the blood is sterile" — or if you move in more professional circles — that what I see are artifacts.  It is utterly amazing to me that people who have never seen a darkfield microscope can confidently pronounce judgment over what can be seen.  It is true that electron microscopes generate artifacts, however, when proper methods are employed, this is not true of darkfield microscopy.

So, at the risk of repeating points I have discussed previously and of boring some people to tears, let me tell some stories.

First Microscopic View of a Blood Parasite

I saw my first blood parasite in Santa Fe which means it was perhaps 8-10 years ago.  To escape mercury vapors in his office, a dentist was seeing his microscopy patients at my home.  I was always looking over his shoulder because I had been fascinated by this microscope ever since first hearing about Royal Rife sometime back in the 70s.  I saw my first up close and real scope in Copenhagen at a conference when I was awarded an honorary doctorate (of medicine).  That was about twenty years ago.  However, for years even before this, patients had been bringing me video footage of their darkfield sessions.

I had been toying with a thesis that cancer patients had large crystals in their blood and that the ones who had had chemotherapy had larger ones than others.  This was based on the fact that Enderlein practitioners pointed to white formations on the TV monitors and identified them as crystals and recommended various pH balancing products to correct the situation.  I tend to be quiet for years before voicing anything so I want to emphasize that I was "toying with an idea" and I had not discussed it with anyone.

Moreover, I was convinced I could not use a microscope because I thought you had to have binocular vision to see properly, and I had a bad experience with a vaccine that destroyed some of my eyesight in one eye.  In high school, I was unable to see anything in a microscope so when I discovered a method involving TV monitors, I was thrilled.  One day, the dentist left in a rush and there was a slide on the stage.  I was curious about what I could see and convinced myself that turning on the light could not possibly harm the equipment. 

Much to my astonishment, the "crystal" was breaking apart into many smaller "crystals" that were all the same size and shape.  I ran for my camcorder and attached it to the scope and began filming.  I stayed up most of the night.  Well, I went to bed and got up every 15 minutes or so to see what was happening.  The little "crystals" developed mouths and dorsal fins and some had tails that grew surprisingly fast.  The esophagus was really clear. Then, there was a little heart that developed. The mouths were tiny and they were gobbling up everything in the plasma.  A big stomach formed with churning brown stuff and then the little creature took a dump which totally freaked me out.

I kept filming and looking at the clock.  At seven, I phoned the dentist.  His first question was, "Did you catch this on film?"  I said, "Of course, I would not waste this much science."  In the afternoon, he came over with an armload of books on parasitology and told me to find what I had seen.  I read thousands of pages in a few weeks.

Only my closest friends and the dentist believed me.  Everyone else said "it can't be so."  The microscope was appropriated for a seminar and damaged when it was moved so it never came back to my house.  I wanted desperately to repeat this experience and the opportunity finally presented itself in Germany.  The doctor told me he had done 50,000 darkfield exams and never seen a parasite. He was astonished when I showed him one after another after another in the blood of his patients.  He was 100% certain that parasites could not be found in arterial blood.  When I asked him why, he said the speed of the blood would irritate the parasites.  I said, okay, let's check out that theory.  They were doing procedures all day long with both venous and arterial blood.  We found them in every single sample we tested, for every patient except two neurological patients with very high levels of metal toxicity.

The Flash Photomicrographs

The pictures used in the flash presentation were stills.  There is a reason for this and that is that we planned to present the pictures to audiences where we needed very high resolution if we were going to project on large screens.  The original files are some of them as much as 35 MB.  These enormous files were compressed to very small jpgs for use in the flash.  You cannot see nearly as much in the small pictures.  Moreover, you can't see movement so you can take my word for it or stick your fingers through the holes in the presentations.  I expect the world is full of doubting Thomases.

However, in my own defense, I want to make two very important points.

The first point concerns behavior in the blood — on the slide, not in the body.  When the sample is fresh, there is often some very preliminary movement that is a clue to many factors, but the parasites are usually inactive.  My theory is that they are in shock.  Sometimes, you can hardly get a drop of blood out of a tiny finger prick, not because circulation is bad or the finger is cold but because a nest of parasites is clogging the hole.  If you are as sensitive as I am, you will actually hear a tiny kerplunk when the drop finally comes out of the finger onto the cover slip or slide.  Then, if you look for that blob amid the millions of blood cells, you might find a nest of dozens or hundreds of little creatures all tangled up with each other, often squirming.

Keep in mind that the slide is relatively cold compared to the inside of the body and the light is blindingly bright.  I am sure this distresses the parasites, but if you keep the slide and just watch it for a while, the parasites start moving and exhibiting unique behavior.  I see myself as something of a zoo keeper and somewhat of a behavioral anthropologist.  I just watch and learn.

You begin to recognize very distinct shapes and manner of movement and truly unique hunting patterns.  For instance, there are parasites that, as I said last night, let one red blood cell after another pass, but they snap at the crenated ones.  The erythrocytes clearly "know" when it's safe and when it isn't because sometimes they seem to play games like smashing against the edge of the mouth of the parasite and then backing off, knowing they won't be eaten.  I don't "imagine" these things.  I observe them.  However, there are some really aggressive parasites that eat everything in sight.  Not surprisingly, many of the patients with these types of parasites are weak and they complain of cold hands and feet and fatigue. There is another type that encircles a group of red blood cells and the ones inside the circle die but the ones on the outside are fine.  They seem to have a toxin and they can direct the toxin with precision.  The people with this type of parasite seem to suffer from disorientation and confusion.


There is a big parasite like the one with the flagella that I think is a type of filarial parasite because the people with this type had all lived in East Africa and had histories of multiple bouts of malaria.  Some had lymphedema and some had brain tumors. None were disoriented or severely incapacitated but most of them died.  All those who first presented with cancer died:  brain cancer, liver cancer, and ovarian cancer.  These are the places favored by these parasites.

There is a parasite that looks blue in darkfield, like a neon light, almost cobalt blue, similar in color to a gas flame.  The patients with these parasites are delusional but they recover when the parasites are killed.  Their senses are badly affected and they don't see things in a normal way so their behavior can be very disturbing to the other patients.  However, they are perfectly normal after a very short treatment for blood parasites.

In sum, parasites are a lot like little snakes and they have behavioral patterns that resemble different kinds of snakes, venomous snakes and snakes that are not particularly harmful except that they need to eat. Whatever gets eaten probably has a different judgment of what harmful means.  There are blood parasites that do not eat the whole erythrocyte.  They squeeze the red blood cells so the hemoglobin splashes out and they eat the lipid membranes.  The plasma is full of spattered hemoglobin.  There are also parasites that are tiny and they eat the nutrients in the plasma and probably some of the platelets.

Parasite Reproduction

When I showed some of my photos to Enderlein microscopists in Europe, they pointed to one and said "liver cancer."  I said, "I think it's just a parasite egg."  They were surprised and said, "perhaps you are right."  Yes, but if those eggs hatch in the liver, the liver is going to be quite a nightmare for some time. 

The second point I want to make is that I have not been collecting pictures in a bubble much less a void.  There is a context for every picture.  I remember the names and faces of the patients.  I know why they made appointments at the clinics and what they discussed with me.  Also, I know what changed as the protocols were administered.  I agree with those of you who wrote that we could probably be parasitized for years without suspecting anything at all, but the problem is that without checking for parasites, we will not know if there is an accident waiting to happen.

Moreover, I want to emphasize several important issues that are overlooked by 99.99% of the medical profession and this is that with a rare exception here and there, patients are not screened for blood parasites.  Officially, people are sometimes screened for syphilis or borrelia associated with Lyme disease.  It's more than likely that countless other conditions are missed and many might be parasitic.  I suspect that some mental disorders, not just the dementia of advanced syphilis, but many other conditions are parasitic and relatively easily treated.  So, again, I am publishing my photos because "pictures speak a thousand words" but I will try to capture some video footage for the Thomases and Thomasinas out there.

There were many emails this morning asking about this, that, or the other formula for killing parasites.  I don't want to comment on anyone else's product unless I have actually used it.  I developed my own after years of study of what really happens when you kill parasites.  If you have read my previous work, you know that bacteria eat the dead parasites so there will be a bacterial infection following the die off.  Then, white blood cells eat the bacteria.  Patients start to feel better when this happens and it generally occurs on day six but sometimes day five or seven.  It's pointless to rush this process because Nature is hugely organized and the body knows how to handle the issues that arise so, except for the Arjuna's Arrows, my formulas simply support Nature.  I just want to underscore the importance of realizing that the bacterial infection occurs because bacteria gnaw away on the dead critters.  If someone takes an antibiotic or something else that destroys the bacteria, the creatures are going to ferment and decompose.  In my estimation, the bacterial strategy is preferable to the fermentive one.

Best wishes,








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