
Posted to Subscribers on 11 November 2019


It's the 42nd anniversary of my Bodhisattva vows and I am starting the day with an essay on why we are born, but it will be mostly autobiographical. As so many have said, we arrive in the world without a manual. When we are born, our parents are young and themselves inexperienced in many important areas of life. In my particular case, I am totally convinced that my parents were so preoccupied with their own issues that parenting was something they were avoiding as much as possible. They might have denied this, but I think my father was obsessed with his work and mother found children boring. They were to be seen and not heard, and I did not learn to talk until I was 33. Well, that is a sociological comment, not "straight fact" as I could obviously speak, but there was little or no encouragement to do so.

At four, I looked up at the sky and told God I wanted to leave because I did not like it on Earth. A being appeared in the sky, archetypal bearded sage. He told me I had to address my anger and that my work could begin when was 30-35 years of age. I felt disappointed and chastised, but even though the obstacle to service was explained, the mission was not. Fortunately, he occasionally returned and helped me out when life got complicated.

At this point in life, I feel I could write a book about anger because I had so many years to study it. Anger does not emerge out of nothingness, it is a reaction to something that probably should never have happened in the first place. If we suppress it, we will never correct the injustices of the world. However, we do have to master ourselves before we can hope to navigate the perils of the journey. I am still fiery and passionate, but not volatile. I love fire when it is courageous, righteous, and focused. It is also joyful when joined by kindred spirits who wish to share the journey.


While none of us have a print manual or with a quick start guide to launch us on our paths, we do, I believe, have a manual that can actually be read in certain states of altered consciousness. Gaining access to that manual takes immense good fortune since hardly anyone seems to know it is there. We can access it when we are open both to the Truth and Guidance. Pitifully, this kind of receptivity is not even encouraged in our world. Therefore, finding trained guides is so unlikely that it only happens in what appears to be a random way. People can have near death experiences, hear something on a deeper and more meaningful level for the first time, go into a meditative state or another dimension of consciousness, or perhaps entrust the explanation to a highly skilled astrologer or psychologist or sage or even to mind altering drugs. For a very brief time in my professional life, I had a joint practice with a psychologist. We went to a lecture by Pir Vilayat Khan in which he told a story about a lady who was consulting both with him and a psychologist. The lady was confused because the psychologist was purporting to mentor her definition of herself as a personality while her spiritual guide was telling her to surrender her ego. At that point, my partner left the lecture but I stayed and hitched a ride home with someone else.

Our partnership began in a strange and probably fated manner. I came to learn that a great deal of basic psychology involves behavioral modification, meaning that strategies are developed for overcoming weaknesses. This was very helpful for me because I felt I had superior analytical tools but almost an empty bag when it came to using the knowledge effectively. We rarely saw things in the same way so we concocted a huge (invisible) study hall that was domed. We entered this etheric creation through different doors, came to the center, looked up at the ceiling and began our quest for Truth.


A few days ago, I wrote a post that I will send sometime this week. It is an interpretation of the Eightfold Noble Path and the first step is Right Understanding. Without correct input, our thought processes will not be clear enough to recognize the Truth, and we will therefore premise our thinking and actions on beliefs rather than correct understanding.

One of the traits of fire is loyalty but to what are we loyal and why. In our early, days, most of us are encouraged to be loyal to our families, religions, athletic teams, and culture. If I were a Confucian philosopher, I would be happy if the underlying precepts were universally accepted because the world would be stable and easy to govern. However, I am not Confucian and therefore chose a far more difficult body of teachings to help me navigate the questions I had.

Fortunately, I have always been contemplative, more an observer than a person of action. I have explained this in different ways over the years. There is a path of action and a path of wisdom and these determine the spin of the first chakra. If we try to change the spin, we will develop terrible health complications. If we succeed in changing the spin, we will be catapulted out of our bodies and die because the first chakra is where spirit and matter have to harmonize enough to sustain third dimensional reality, i.e., to sustain incarnate life.


I always wanted to help those who are suffering. As a child, I had a little bird hospital in my bedroom. Other children would bring me injured birds that they found, and I would nurse them. Having no formal training didn't seem to matter as there were always spirits helping.

It was not until I was in my early thirties that I began to discover purpose. In reality, it had unfolded as the sage had said it would. Being nonviolent, I had done my part to stop the war in Vietnam. War has a terrible effect on all who are exposed to it. In the case of Vietnam, the war appeared to have no purpose. People were dropping bombs, shooting at each other, creating injuries and death, widows and orphans, and causing immense property damage not to mention social upheaval, psychological trauma, and fear. It was idiotic and one comment I recall making when in Vietnam was, "How are they going to make movies about this in the future?" My point was there were no heroes, no great generals to rewrite curriculum for West Point, and no regime change, to use Tulsi Gabbard's preferred language. Officially, I was with the State Department, but the war was everywhere, uniforms were everywhere, weapons were everywhere, and so one is entitled to a viewpoint.

From a Vajrayana Buddhist perspective, the war is the epitome of absence of skillful means. Assuming there was a purpose, a rash and probably incorrect assumption, the strategies for reaching the goals were so flawed that success was hugely unlikely. The level of incompetence was incomprehensible, but there were thousands of people telling others what to do and how and to do it, so I felt like a child watching grown ups making a mess of everything.


After Vietnam, I was posted in India. As an Asian Studies major as an undergraduate, I could never wrap my mind around India. It was too ancient, too big, and too complex. I suppose this is the reformer in me, Buddhism was in part a reaction to Hinduism, and I liked the incisiveness of Zen. Everything is whatever you perceive it to be so I was still in the phase of life in which I was training my thought processes and recoiling from elaborate efforts to interpret human history. In truth, I think history was my number one most hated subject in school though I later came to love it when I could direct my attention my own way, such as by studying the history of understanding.

In India, my overriding observation was that indifference was impeding progress. An example was a statement made to me, "Memsahib, it be this way thousands of years, why you want to change it?" This is a very good way to destroy the passion of fire and I was not thriving. I resigned and went on a quest for meaning, starting in the Himalayas and later in meditation for seven and half years. It was then that answers began to come, always in visions. I came to realize that I came here from another galaxy because the heart energy was weak and it was needed to bridge the immense gap between instinct and intuition. Without respecting all perceptions, there would tend to be disdain for whatever differs from one's own reality. We all have a need for validation of our individual experiences, and these experiences are what shapes our grasp of reality. If you cannot understand my reality, you will reject it as nonsensical. Truth be told, this has obviously happened a lot, but l leave stepping stones wherever I tread and they will be there when needed by other travelers.

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How does this translate into actuality? If we see plants or animals or other people as inferior, it is very obvious that we did not explore their purposes. This has been an evolving understanding for me, not just in this life, but going back many incarnations. In point of fact, much of what happens in life is a recapitulation of historic events that were interrupted by death and rebirth. So, we have feelings and instincts with long histories; and we are constantly superimposing the new on the old, usually in a tyrannical fashion. If the mind is seen as superior to the emotions, the tyranny can be quite overbearing. Both feelings and intellect are prone to opinions, but are they correct in their conclusions? That is the issue. Feelings simply are what they are. They can only be changed by new experiences that are different but how do we attract new experiences if the emotional component of ourselves is magnetic. This is a deep and serious issue and requires a respectful exploration and capacity to dialogue between what is emotional and what is accepted as fact.

I studied a lot. I have read thousands of books on philosophy, on history, on health and healing. Each book is a kind of meditation in that one harvests the pearls and weaves a few more threads into the tapestry of life, a journey that spans light years, perhaps millions of light years. In the course of this endless querying, I concluded that there is but one primal Source, and this is both vibratory and purposeful. The process continues through many intermediate stages and is constantly stepped down through the help of the calibrating structure of space. I feel this is the secret of science, of faith, and of life. There is one reality with a multitude of forms.


As I meditated, I saw incidents in extraplanetary history as well as Earth history and developed a deep understanding of the misuse of mind as well as its capacity to rationalize the behavior stemming from its own biases. In my estimation, this is the biggest risk factor facing us in today's world. The mind must be disciplined to rely exclusively on Truth or it will deviate and pose a risk to all who are duped by it.

Emotions must also be recognized, but emotions are by nature personal. They require acknowledgment, validation, and harmonization. They are reactive so blameless in the sense that the cause was generally external and the reactions take place internally. Moreover, as mentioned, they can only change through repeated experiences that are different from the original hurtful ones. This is core of healing as well as of saving the Planet from destruction by forces that are themselves not in balance.

The Bodhisattva Vow includes renouncing the opportunity to enter Nirvana until every blade of grass has gone first. This addresses the sentience of all life and those of us who have studied plants know that they are sentient. They have fears of fire and shears and they make sacrifices on behalf of their progeny. The same is true of animals and people, but people are more causal in terms of suffering. I feel I am bandstanding but what I really want to say is that each of us does in fact enter life with a divine purpose, but because of interference, that purpose is very hard to bring into focus. Even if I do a marathon astrological reading for someone, it will probably take decades and perhaps lifetimes to organize the general information into something highly specific.

I am, of course, very concerned about domination of our thoughts by the myriad of institutions that seek to influence us. Our identity stems from the Creator, not from our ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, politics, or profession. There is no way to be in harmony without being true to oneself. That is the bottom line, and this particular line is different from the red or black ink calculated by corporations and governments. To the extent that there are vested interests, the Truth will be obscured by the narratives used to support those interests. This is one reason I support complete freedom for most disciplines, including academic freedom and choice in all things that are important.

For instance, in matters of war and peace, decisions should involve the entire population of the Planet because we all suffer from the actions of war: death, injuries, destruction of habitat and property, loss, disease, widowhood, and blow back in the form of anger, grief, and bitterness. War is psychopathic, not heroic, and it is too dangerous to be allowed to happen anywhere. Most of all, war is unskillful. Yes, there are tactics and oftentimes bravery, but the end does not justify the means, so this method for achieving the goals should be universally rejected. I also believe that titles like "the Great" should be omitted from textbooks since conquests are inherently predatory, not laudable. I also think martial arts should be far more widely taught so that interaction, even competitive interaction, is framed with more respectful rules of engagement.

Moving next to environmental degradation, we realize it is a global problem that ultimately affects the survival of many species. Short-term, we have various repercussions in the form of shortages and disasters, but longer-term, we are talking about habitability of the Planet. Moving to Mars does not seem like a realistic option to me, but some seem to think they can move there after wrecking Earth.

The planets are like the chakra system. If an individual is stressed, the adrenals borrow energy wherever they can find it, but illness will ensue unless balance is restored. We cannot destroy the Earth and hope to live happily ever after on Venus or Uranus or whereever. Creation is energetic and this means all must move in harmony.

With health, I also believe 100% in freedom of choice, but there are safety issues that are a public concern, but there must nevertheless be options available that fit the individuals who are impacted by broader risks. That said, there are public policies that would relieve some of the burden on individuals as well as the health care system. There are vacant buildings, like factories and, malls. Homeless people could be given roofs over their heads, nutritious meals, and free basic services such as dental care. They can also receive support for addictions and new vocational training. It is shameful that people are living on the streets, but many emergencies are due to poor living conditions so addressing one issue takes the pressure off other issues.


Obviously, one could go on and on, but when I had the visions of the collapse of our current systems, I saw the cause but not the solution. That was almost half a century ago and now the solutions are very clear. The cause, for those who are curious, is that the Earth has been in recovery mode since some survivors of Lyra crashed here long ago. What happened in Lyra was that scientists began making synthetic substitutes for natural products. They failed to understand the inherent vitality of what is natural and insisted the synthetics were equivalent. Lyra became uninhabitable and a very small group of scientists landed near Gaza and created a highly materialistic culture based on Lyran knowledge. They threw the Earth so far off balance that another group was sent from Sirius to what is now Egypt. These were all twin souls because the Lyran group consisted of only two women which was, of course, another issue.

The twin souls were always paired on the basis of two components of one area of focus, such as justice and fairness or melody and rhythm. They created a sort of idealistic culture based on divine light, but they were also out of touch with the indigenous cultures. There were waves of colonization, and everyone I have worked with in altered states eventually came to identify with one of the waves and the initiative behind the wave. Being mated, the Sirians have had a major influence because their progeny can be found almost everywhere. However, there are also many Pleiadians, especially among the indigenous people and some ethnically distinct groups. There are some teachers from Pegasus, some leaders of cultural movements from Arcturus, and many more. I did not read this in a book but rather through my own meditation and experiences in altered states both as a subject and a guide. So, what I see is that the preparations have been made for a total rehabilitation of life on Earth, but the pressure to thwart this is quite strong.

For example, people are worried about recession, financial collapse, debt, and asset protection, but in all the commotion, the emphasis is rarely on point. Money is neither a digital entry in some abstract accounting system nor gold in a vault. It is an energy that, like other energies, must be in motion to create effects. If people are productive and exchanging goods and services, they are flowing with the energies, but if nothing is moving, there is a problem. It astonishes me sometimes that so many pundits are talking about gold and silver when what is most needed all the time is food and then shelter and then health care. We are therefore responsible for reversing desertification — and the knowledge of how to do this exists — and this, in turn, would eliminate hunger. Raising the nutrient density of food is an ongoing task but improvements would occur constantly if agricultural methods are perfected.

The wider the distribution of productive farms, the less fuel that is needed for transporting food, and this eliminates another pressure on the economy. Clearly, this list can be readily expanded, but each change needs to be carefully implemented so as not to create further disharmony.


Over the last days, I have brooded a bit on what has changed since I was born. Believe it or not, I was nine before my family bought a television, and I pretty much hated it from get go. Like school, I found the programming boring, irrelevant, and not very aesthetically pleasing. However, we see where this has gone and the possibility that every computer can potentially be a broadcasting station is tantalizing. Then, the question becomes one of relevance and visibility. If we do not have freedom, there will be many impediments to the sharing of our various gifts.

Yes, we all have gifts because our Creator endowed us with gifts, but there are obstacles to the recognition of our purposes, not the least of which are various interferences with our perceptual mechanisms. In addition to the programming, we also have atrophy of the two most important chakras affecting our ability to create a better world. Think of why the thymus gland atrophies and why the pineal gland calcifies, and you have the first great insight into the impediments on our Path to Divine Inspiration, for, as all creative people once knew, the Creator communicates with us via inspiration. We have to awaken our own nobility of spirit, the heart, but awareness comes through flashes that have to be translated into more concrete terms.

If these obstacles were not already serious, there is the added problem that the pituitary body is shrouded in mist caused by the burden of emotional discord that affects perception. The best authority I have read on this topic was Patanjali. In his Yoga Sutras, he described what he called the conditioned mind and unconditioned mind. The conditioned mind is filtered through our own lenses which have, of course, personal content. The unconditioned mind sees things as they are, and this is why we meditate, contemplate, and explore, trying to keep open to reality without using explanations and justifications to process information.


This is already quite long, but it would not feel complete to me if I did not explain a little of my personal path. As mentioned in previous posts, I overheard my parents discussing religious education when they thought I was sound asleep. They chose on the basis of considerations that were of no interest to me. I recall some sort of after school religious studies when I was very young. What I remember is a fascination with St. Luke, the healer, but I think I was so young that we were just coloring in pictures. My parents did not seem involved in that decision, but what they discussed was where the children, my sister and myself, would meet the "right" people. We can date this a bit because they referenced Eisenhower and said he was Presbyterian so the children would go to a Presbyterian church. Neither of my parents ever attended church and the pastor always urged me to encourage this. In short, there was no theological or traditional reason for their decision, and I fully understood this though it was not discussed until much later in life . . . you might say "when my parents started to mature." I know how that sounds, but my mother was a Sinophile and loved Chinese food and philosophy. She also enjoyed Viking mythology. My father was, as noted, busy with work, but he later studied Jungian psychology and astrology. Let's say the level of conversation improved with time, not only because I grew up, but they did also. That said, I honestly believe I was fully capable of a deep theological discussion by the time I was seven.

I became interested in Buddhism in high school and began practicing Zen by age 16. It was, for me, a discipline that helped to develop intuition and ultimately reliance on my own perceptions rather than whatever others taught or believed. However, I longed for a deep cosmological understanding of the Universe and began to discover this in Tibetan Buddhism and later esoteric philosophy. After the experiences in Vietnam and India, I realized I had to purify my mind, the "mind" that is called kama manas in some circles, i.e., mind that is influenced by emotions. What needed purification was not the mind but the underlying emotions. This took many years and looking back, I realize I had been practicing vipassana meditation but I only knew it at the time as Theravada Buddhist purification practices. I was angry that the world is not perfect and overcoming that anger was a Herculean task.

What I am saying by telling these stories is that most people will need to make a lot of effort if they really want to understand themselves. Only then can they hope to be more authentic but also more credible. This is the contrast I wanted to address by first posting on Narcissus and now on my very personal path. In our present society, promotions and wealth are status symbols. Whether or not they were earned is moot, but what is clear is that promotions occur within the context of socioeconomic structures so when we drop out, we lose whatever status goes with the positions.


So, what is my purpose? Because purpose comes from the Divine, it appears initially as an abstraction. We have to fill in the details as we go along. I was shown the "incidents" that took place in the Constellation Lyra, the crash landing in Gaza, the arrival of the Sirians and also my true home in another galaxy. I was shown some residual karma and various events from about 135 incarnations on Earth. Obviously, it is a big catalogue, and I have actually written an autobiography but do not feel any urgency about publishing it.

If I try to summarize the mission, it is about love, but it is also about respect because respect is the foundation for harmony, and every creature deserves to be shown respect. This begins with a fundamental acceptance of a mutual obligation to revere the divinity in all, but, as I have tried to show, we will not get off first base until we have peace within and peace is not achieved by renunciation but rather integration. This is an important statement and one that took years to learn because as most people with long monastic histories, one believes that spirituality is gained through sacrifices and austerities, but these simply damage the feminine within each of us and set off all kinds of alarms. Neglect of the allegedly lower self is a great mistake and one that has been perpetrated for many centuries in quite a few cultures. This has resulted in imbalance between the masculine and feminine and a culture of exploitation, domination, and "rating" according to various achievements rather than appreciation for inner virtues such as kindness and compassion, gratitude and service. We each have both yin and yang components so we need to bring these into relationship and harmony, preferably before trying to interact with others who have their own yin-yang work to do.

Now, we see civilization in turmoil because fundamental needs have not been prioritized and outer objectives often have little or no meaning. Obviously, there are exceptions but they do not determine the major direction of global society. What was shown to me is that the Lyran experience will not be repeated here. We are in a critical time in which those who have been prepared to solve the problems are ready. If they are allowed to succeed, we will advance in consciousness. If they do not get the support needed, there will be an off-planet intervention that is entirely peaceful. It will entail the resignation of nearly everyone in high positions in government, industry, and education.

Much has been hidden from us, including our true history. In the past, I have made allusions to the missing books of the Bible. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. The official list has changed over time and many books have been deleted. The one that interests me the most is the Book of Enoch, a direct descendent of Adam (7th generation) because there is a description of Earth as he saw it from space. The Book of Thomas is also missing along with many more. As I have gone to great pains to show, a little incident precipitated many years of rabbit hole adventures. The "problem" was that when a highly competent mathematician and astronomer studied the horoscopes in the writings of Ptolemy, he realized the dating of Ptolemy was way off. Others delved into this, including Anatoly Fomenko, and concluded that our history books have been padded with events that never happened and that most events believed to have occurred two thousand years ago were actually more recent.

I was shocked but I understood the argument. However, I figured that independent astronomical observations would have been made in Benares (because I have an old ephemeris based on Benares time) or at least by the Mayans. Then, surely, the alleged errors could be checked, but if these facts are known, why are they hidden? Why have books and people been burned for what they read or wrote or thought or believed?

The point here is that Right Understanding is the first step in the direction of correcting errors, not just errors in accounts of our history but errors that affect our ability to know the Truth. Aquarius is the sign of Truth and it is getting off to a rough start. In any event, part of my mission is to revitalize the foundation for building a harmonious future and I invite you to join me on the journey of the mind and of the soul.

To give this a personal context, I have provided some dates, starting with age four when I wanted to leave Earth. There were pivotal moments and taking vows was one. I prepared for five years before deciding to ask Nechung Rinpoche for his assistance. He said he had waited a long time for me to ask but he asked me to choose the date. I was ordained in 1998 in the International Assembly for Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards. That is when Sacred Medicine Sanctuary was founded. The entire group of Bioethika projects began after 9/11. In my mind, the world desperately needed a moral rudder so the emphasis on ethics was very important.

Throughout, I have been influenced by a few past life events that were extremely important, one being the loss of the doctrine of karma and reincarnation in the Western world. Nearly all cultures have had some relationship to the idea that we are born multiple times. The Egyptians believed this, the Greeks taught transmigration, the early Christians upheld this view, but the doctrine was purged from the Bible in the 6th century. As happens, the deleted materials go underground where they are protected until it is safe to restore them. The Cathars upheld the doctrine and were persecuted, almost annhilated. There are fragments remaining of the concept of karma but reincarnation did not return on a large scale until the advent of the flower children, however, it is still officially heresy, which is a great pity since coupled with karma, these twins would support a higher level of concern for our actions. Actions, as we should realize, generate reactions, but I rarely see this factored into major decisions because the emphasis is on prevailing, often by quashing resistance.

We should not need to be threatened by repercussions if we simply choose to do what is right rather than what we might be able to do through use of power. I do not see how civilization can survive without reframing our understanding of cause and effect. As our technological prowess creates more and more possibilities, we have to be very concerned about how the programs for artificial intelligence are written. For me this issue is more important than some panic over aliens and whatever their agenda might be. We impute to aliens what we fear in ourselves, but we need to consider the possibility that free will does not perhaps exist elsewhere in the Universe. Whether it does or not is outside the scope of today's post, but I will postulate that free will can only exist when there is a deliberate intent to deviate from divine will. It has no other purpose and would fizzle unless energized. Let me put this another way. If you throw a pebble into a pond, it creates ripples and after some time, the pond returns to normal: action and reaction. We are not wise enough to answer the question as to whether or not the pond felt pain or discomfort from the impact of the pebble, but we see that our action left perhaps a residual at the bottom of the pond, but the ripples disappeared.

If you take this to the next level, that of entrainment, we realize that any vibration will cause substance to regroup. The usual example is the shattering of glass by a high pitched sound or the quivering of strings on a musical instrument when another instrument is played. Even without a musician, the instrument reacts and then rests once the other instrument is no longer producing a sound. If the Source of all is a very strong vibration, there is nothing to match it so it will last after all distractions have subsided. In our fantasies, we may think we can build something immortal or eternal, but it is a fantasy because there is movement, there will be rearrangements so our immortality can only be experienced when in harmony, not with discord. This is why we need an underlying philosophy that is recognized by science and academia and why there is a moral duty to be in harmony.

If we accept this, we can have Heaven on Earth and we can have a Golden Age. It will never happen without a supporting cultural movement and Right Understanding.

Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2019






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