Dear Subscribers,
It is still Christmas but I am going to use this post to help you plan your health resolutions for 2018. However, one quick personal note. I awakened this morning to the most beautiful scene of Jinzu sitting on her new dog bed looking out the window at fresh snow, the first since I adopted her. It was just so perfect! Akitas come from the part of Japan that has the world's record for the most snowfall in 24 hours. I have never seen an Akita who did not love snow. Even, my first Hawaiian born Akita, Keoki, jumped out the window of the car when we were driving up Mauna Kea to play in the snow. That was a lot of years ago.

I hope everyone had safe and loving celebrations. Alas, it was a typical Christmas for me. I was reminded that while I always wish perfect health and happiness for everyone, there are those who are suffering, some in very severe pain, some perhaps not long for this world. I wish I could rescue everyone, if not from the grips of death, at least from the fear of change. My personal belief is that the afterlife might be blissful compared to this side of the veil, but it does not mean we are eager to explore what we cannot know with certainty.
So, I will be launching a series of self-help posts with new mobile-compatible graphics and today's post is just to set the stage for those to come. I would like to approach illness in multiple ways so that each person can feel more comfortable making important decisions. Where something like malaria is concerned, there is a rather convincing pathology and yet there are still a few risk factors that can be managed with a little forethought. If living in the tropics, one needs to have screens on the windows and perhaps to sleep under a mosquito net. When out and about, it helps to avoid swampy areas and to wear long sleeves and use insect repellents. There are very good organic essential oils that can be put on clothing without the oils actually coming in contact with the skin. In short, there are precautionary measures that can be used to minimize the risks.
I used malaria as an example because it is relatively straightforward and easy to understand. It is also, thankfully, very easy to treat, but, unlike a viral infection, there is no immunity following an infection so the risk does not really go away until one lives where there are no mosquitoes. In a country like Ecuador, that means living above 5000 foot elevation, meaning the Andes, not the Amazon. The Andes are actually quite temperate, almost like eternal spring in the Alps.
I want to contrast malaria to a couple of other diseases so we can appreciate what it means to manage risk factors. This time I will take up factors that affect cognition, leading to conditions like autism and attention deficit disorder in children and Alzheimer's in adults, sometimes in rather young adults. In preparation for this discussion, I have gone to great lengths in the past months to differentiate the brain from consciousness. The brain is an instrument. You can actually compare it to a radio or even to a television or computer. It is tuned in to whatever occupies the field of consciousness at any given time. It can also be in sleep mode. It would be impossible for an ordinary person, including psychologists and psychiatrists, to determine how conscious a person is since we base most of our communication on what the brain allows us to process and project. This is a very interesting issue that warrants a lifetime of study, but what I am trying to frame for right now is that consciousness is immortal and exists independently of the body and simultaneously everywhere. It is entirely non-local meaning we can actually "be" everywhere at once. This is the secret to various types of recognition that are otherwise difficult to explain such as continuity of consciousness between incarnations, ability to communicate with those beyond the veil, and perhaps even such skills as remote viewing. If one can intentionally project the mind where one wishes, everything is knowable so the only remaining challenge is to bring that awareness to the brain.
The brain is a very complex and interesting organ that relies heavily on sensory perceptions and synaptic responses. Sensory perceptions are vibratory. Again, I set the stage for this discussion by repeating points about how the eyes only see in one octave of vibration. The ears hear in several octaves and obviously different octaves from where the eyes see. If we only have vision but not hearing, we are not able to use our brains to process sensory impressions from the vibratory ranges reserved for hearing. Likewise, if blind but not deaf, we miss sensory perception in one octave, a terrible, terrible loss but in the universe of waves, there is really only a small glitch, a very important but small glitch.
This refers to the part of the brain that processes sensory perceptions, not the part that processes consciousness. So, what is interesting is that most people I know who have some extrasensory perceptions have this regardless of sensations. Let me reword this. People I know, myself sometimes included, who are clairvoyant see just as well with the eyes closed as open. This is because consciousness is non-local, meaning we are acquiring impressions irrespective of distance and time. In theory there is no limit at all to the capacity to function only with consciousness. The issue is in the design and condition of the brain. Before going on too far, I could say that there might be ways to extend the sensory limits, meaning it might be possible for a few people to see into the ultraviolet or infrared ranges but this is a sensory perception, not an attribute of consciousness.
The brain is processing both sensory perceptions and consciousness. I personally believe in a wave theory. I want to clarify I am not a physicist much less an astrophysicist. I am just someone who has spent many lifetimes alone and learned to trust my own perceptions. I saw people on waves when I was a child so the waves were real. In doing music therapy, Gail and I talked a great deal about acoustics and the inability to separate a sound from the overtone and other arcane issues that enriched our lives. My personal belief is that all that is created, i.e., projected, is seeking a response, and thus there is a cascading effect that ultimately makes all one. So, yes, we are discrete but also one. I am not going to say we are holograms, rather that our architecture is based on vibrations that become as ubiquitous as air, more ubiquitous actually. We could also perhaps argue that unless there is a response, there is no awareness, meaning the "notes" are floating around without being heard nor processed as impressions.
So, the brain requires a bit of maintenance as well as protection. Until recently, the main threats to the brain were infections, both microorganisms and parasites; toxins, especially toxic metals; and radiation, which is natural but we can argue whether natural is safe or not. Now, we have various types of electromagnetic pollution that are truly devastating. One argument to make here is that if we are to analyze the body in a material manner, it all comes down to atoms and then to electrons, protons, and neutrons, and eventually to yet smaller components that determine how well the atoms function. As I said with respect to gold, all we have to do to convert one element into another is to bump a few electrons. Now, however, we are in such a soup that many of us are no longer certain if our thoughts are our own or not.
What is most fascinating here is that consciousness can actually be clearer in a sensory deprivation chamber. Some of the most secret and cutting edge research is being done deep underground in specially constructed chambers. They have discovered that cosmic influences exist in these chambers even when shielded in the best way known to humans at this time. CERN is running some such experiments, but I doubt they are the only ones searching to uncover the secrets of consciousness.
So, what I will be doing in 2018 is posting on one subject at a time, that is, barring temptations to skip around, I will try to bring us deeper and deeper into the mysteries of ourselves so that each person has more options and therefore perhaps more control as well.
I feel the brain is very important because, it is hard to say what life is like with impairments. I believe some people who have recovered help us to understand profound words like "non-local" but we have to assess capacity as well as comfort, part of which we assume is social though this may not be straight truth. As you know, I am endlessly curious. For instance, I want to know what Jinzu is thinking because her expressions are so beautiful and tender, but I don't know. However, I believe she knows what I am thinking and feeling and that is humbling, because it is not a two-way street. That said, our communicator bridges the gap and that has enriched my life so much.
I will give one more example. It being the holiday season, I do not want to go on and on, but I do want to submit food for thought because this time of year can be hectic or reflective. It depends. The third example I would like to give is cancer. As I have explained, it is widespread but it is not 100% certain that it is significantly more widespread than a hundred or a thousand years ago. The methods of diagnosis make certain comparisons difficult, but we generally look at cancer as something that arises within though interactions with our environment can obviously have a huge impact. Dozens or hundreds of substances have been tested for their carcinogenicity but no one can explain why some people with the same exposures seem to be symptom-free. The issue therefore does come back to individual patterns that predispose one to cancer or that deter such risks. I will leave it at this for the moment since all I am trying to accomplish today is a bit more stage setting for new year.
As I hope most people appreciate, I took a bit of a breather from illness during the holiday season. It traces to what I would call etiquette. While recognizing that disease may not respect holidays, I did not want to exploit misery by jumping on the Internet craze for black Friday or cyber Monday sales so I wrote about disclosure and other subjects. Obviously, this is not good for my bottom line, nor apparently for subscriptions, but it is what my conscience would support.
Now, however, I want to help people, as many as possible, to get control over their health. I will outline what I believe to be the main health risks, in order of importance, and then I will discuss each point in more detail.
As for the webinars. I have a new team and there are about 35 suggestions for improvement. I cannot yet translate this into a launch. I am still juggling things in my personal life. I really want to move to Ecuador soon so I will look hard for a buyer or partner so I can pull up my roots and transplant myself.
Copyright by Ingrid Naiman 2017
Galactic Consciousness || A Minute to Midnight || Alien Contact
